[look guys the amount of comments arguing whether zayn's middle name is jawadd or javadd - it really does not matter. its an AU story, i can make up whatever i want. thank you for understanding.]
"I need to go have a shower." I tried to wiggle my way out of Zayn's grip, from the position we were sitting on my bed. His arm was draped around my waist and his chin was on my shoulder.
Currently, we were watching Family Guy which was apparently his favourite show. However, I felt his eyes were intensely on me rather then the TV.. I don't know why though.
"So do I!" he chirped, following me.
"Erm.. There are other showers, Zayn.."
"Yeah, but I think we should save water." he smirked at me.
"Zayn.." I sighed.
He groaned, "It was worth a try." then he left my room.
I smiled to myself. I'm surprised he actually listens to me. That's weird.. What happened to playing by his own rules?
Am I taking an effect on him?
Shaking off the subject, I continued my normal routine in the shower.
Afterwards, I put on my underwear and my PJ shorts then realised my top was on my bed. Thinking Zayn would still be in his shower, I walked out.. but oh crap..
"OH CRAP. HOLY CRAP." I heard Zayn curse loudly under his breathe, looking at me up and down. Oh My God.
He was holding my top, crap. What do I do? I have to think carefully- he could-
"-You looking for this, babe?" He smirked at me, cheekily. Well obviously, idiot. I mean I'm half-naked with PJ shorts on, of course I'm going to need the top!
"I need it." I stated, crossing my arms over my chest trying to cover up as much as I could. I felt extremely paranoid on what he'd think of me, and I hate feeling like this. Insecurities are just endless to many teenage girls.
He stood up and walked slowly over to me, oh crap.
He bent his head down so his lips were on my neck then he softly kissed down, before blowing on it.. AND HE GAVE ME A FREAKING LOVE BITE!!!
I grabbed my top and slammed the bathroom door in his face.
I slumped to the floor with my back against the door. Once I had finished shaking and over thinking things, I stood up and examined the mark.
God damn it! That boy! It's purple!!
I pulled my top over my head and luckily it covered a bit more then three quarters of it. Eh, it was better then it was before.
I slowly opened the door and again and Zayn wasn't there. Good- I hope he feels bad for what he did!
"Hunnie! Dinner's ready!!" I heard my mum shout from downstairs.
I sighed, going down the stairs looking for Zayn cautiously.. woops, speak too soon.
He comes to my side, pulling me away from our mothers view and lowers my top so he can see my collar bone, smirking almost successfully.
"Why?" I hiss at him- I didn't need to say anything more, because he knew exactly what I was asking.
"Because, now you're mine." He kissed the tip of my nose, talking my hand in his. His grip being so strong I can't escape, urgh. Another reason to dislike him.
Our mothers were talking when they heard us come into the kitchen, they started smiling like loons. That's so weird...
"Oh sweetie; I'm so happy for you!" my mother squealed. Wow, that was so weird... That was like a little fan girl attack..

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...