"So... do you have a date to the formal?" Louis asked me, as we walked together on our route to Maths.
"Umm, yes I do actually. Um, Zayn and I are going together." my voice trailed off as I waited for his reaction, I was expecting him to be angry with me... I have no idea why, though. Probably because his best friend, Harry's told me already to stay away from him and I'm just disobeyed... completely.
But he simply grinned, "That's great!! Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah of course you can, Lou."
"Would it be crazy if I asked Eleanor Calder to be my date? I mean.. She's nothing like me, and I'm not her 'type' and all but yeah, I've had a thing for her for AGEEES now... So..." his ears heated like his cheeks as he looked away, embarrassed aw!
"Louuuu! That's so cute! Go for it. You never know unless you try, she might even surprise you." I told him, with a smile.
He smiled back, and pulled me into a hug, "Thanks Soph. You're amazing."
"S-Soph..." I heard a voice call me from behind.
I turned around and broke into a grin when I saw Liam looking at me with a weak smile on his face.
"H-H-Hi... I-I- Just wanted to say, I'm so sorr--" but I cut him off by my tight embrace. I'm just so glad he's talking to me again!
"It's okay. I can't blame you for being scared of Zayn." I laughed.
He smiled, "Thank you. He's quite... yanno, scary?"
"Yeah... I guess you can say that." I shrugged, smiling at him. Zayn can have that effect on people.
"So, how are you?" he asked me causally, as we walked out the school gates.
"I'm alright thanks, and yourself?"
He raised an eyebrow at me, "I mean.. really.. how are you? Has he... hurt you... or... um--"
"--again, I'm still alright thanks." I laughed at his concerned expression.
He smiled again, relief clear on his face, "Oh that's good. And yeah, I'm okay... I've missed talking to you though... It's been a while... A whole month, right?"
"Yeah... A month... How's Harry and Nikki? I haven't spoken to them... in a while." I asked him, remembering my other friends... well, ex friends. I missed them, yes but they don't want anything to do with me... so...
"Harry has been keeping an eye on you and Zayn actually. It's quite strange. He's been watching your movements too... and Nikki's okay too, she's missing you." Liam informed me.
I nodded my head, looking ahead to see Zayn waiting for me by his motorcycle. Liam noticed too and tensed by my side. Lord-- please don't let Zayn come over here.. I've only JUST got one of my mates back! Don't let him scare him off again!
"Don't worry about him. Thanks for plucking up the courage to talk to me." I smiled at him.
"Um, no worries.." but he seemed a little scared now so, I pulled him into a reassuring hug before walking over to Zayn... who seemed a little too pissed off.
"He clearly doesn't understand English. When I told him to back off.. He get's right back in there.." He muttered through gritted teeth, looking over my shoulder at Liam.
"Nice to see you too Zayn." I rolled my eyes, pecking his lips.
His hazel eyes softened when meeting mines and he gave me a smirk, "Sorry."
"Whatever." I brushed it off, I didn't want to fight. We've done that far too many times now.
"I'm taking you clothes shopping." He announced, lifting me onto the bike.
I looked at him in confusion, he hates shopping?!
"Our mothers insisted on me taking you to get a dress for the formal as you don't, actually I quote, 'don't have anything, nothing at all to wear which is not right for any teenage girl turning into a young lady!'" He mimicked my mother.
I rolled my eyes again.. aw, I love my two older girlfriends.
"So, off we go m'lady." He chuckled, getting onto the bike himself and I wrapped my arms around his waist as he sped off out the gates.
"What do you think of this one?" I asked Zayn, holding up a white flowing dress.
He gave me a fake smile and nodded, "Yeah... that's nice.."
I rolled my eyes, placing the dress back onto the rack and walked over to Zayn.
I wrapped my arms around his neck causing him to smirk, putting his arms around my waist.
"Thanks for doing this.." I told him with a smile.
He tilted his head to the side still smirking, "Anything for you... I should get a prize for this."
I raised an eyebrow at him, "and what would that be, Malik?"
"You babe." He winked at me, bringing our lips together.
I have to admit, he is an amazing kisser... and I enjoy all our pecks, kisses, snogs... Everything.
"Maybe later." I giggled, kissing his cheek before letting go of his neck, and going over to the section of dresses.
"What are you going to wear anyway, Zayn?" I asked him, curiously.
"I'm going in my birthday suit." He smirked at me.
I rolled my eyes and laughed at his dirty suggestion.
He chuckled, "Nah, anyway... My mum already picked me a tux... It's got a purple tie so, yeah..."
"Okay, so I have to find a purple dress!" I gasped, rummaging through the purple dress section, skimming through the dresses.
Suddenly one caught my eyes... A purple dress with a heart shaped cut, silver rhinestones around the top and across the middle, a silver embodied flower on the left hand side, the bottom was ruffled flows with hints of indigo and violets in the ruffles... It was so gorgeous... and HALLELUJAH ! IT WAS AFFORDABLE!
"That's the one." Zayn wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissed my cheek.
I smiled, "Let's go home."
"And get my prize." He winked at me, as I went to the till to pay.
I was going through my purse to take the money out, but one of Zayn's hands caught my wrist while the other handed over the money..
"Thanks." He took the bag from the till person and walked out the shop with me following like a lost puppy.
"Zayn I-"
"--My treat.. I want a treat later though.." He smirked, pecking my lips before we walked hand in hand back to the car.
What the hell are these butterflies in my stomach?!
{{hello cupcakes, vote please? do you ship Zophia? hm?????? comment please. ily-Tanisha .x}}

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...