"What is this place; it looks so horrible?" Nikki gripped onto my baseball jacket sleeve, as if I could protect her from whatever she was worried about. I liked that feeling--I've never felt like I could protect anyone before. I can't protect Sophia--I was useless. I always feel too scared or nervous. Others just end up protecting me. I shouldn't be in this gang. I really am just a burden.
"Yeah... this is our den." I informed her, following Siva and Max into the lovely place we call home.
"Why do you have a den?" her green eyes looked up at me innocently, and I realised she didn't know anything about me... or the others. She only knew the stuff Harry had told her--they were probably all lies, making us seem like terrible people. We are bad, but only sometimes. I'd like to think we're good too--just not good enough to be labelled, 'heroes'.
"Um... I think--I think you'll find out... when Zayn and Sophia arrives. We'll explain everything to you." I tell her, and she hesitantly nods.
She looks so innocent, looking around the brown down house, her nose crinkling in almost disgust as she sees the mess around us. Broken glass, punched in walls, trash on the floor, loose clothes on the floors--boxers... It really is a mess, but we don't need to clean up for anyone.
Sophia doesn't mind all this mess, and before her no other girl has been trusted enough to step inside here. This is like our secret laboratory. It's where all the missions are planned.
I took her small hands in mines, and led her inside the living room, motioning her to sit down next to me on the tatty sofa. She does so, and continues to observe her surroundings. She doesn't fit in here--she's too posh, I guess.
"What's this all about--why did you call us all?" Jay's voice is heard from the corridor and he soon enters the room, behind Sophia and Zayn. Tom, Max and Siva are trailing after them, all sitting down in their usual seats. I feel like Nikki doesn't belong here--she is the odd one out.
"Nikki, we need you to promise us not to tell as soul about what we're going to tell you. Do you understand?" Zayn's hazel eyes burned into the petite girl beside me. I felt her flinch at the tension he caused in the atmosphere. All eyes are on her, and I feel sorry for her. She shouldn't even be here--but she did bring this on herself. Just like Sophia did.
She just needs to be loved.
That's all she wants.... love.
Nikki slowly nods, gulping slightly and her fingers find mines and I pulled our intertwined fingers onto my lap, placing my other hand on top. I see Tom roll his eyes at this gesture. He'll never change.
"You can't honestly be serious? You're going to trust her to keep a secret as big as this?! She can't even hold her tongue when it comes to Niall! I mean--"
"--Tom. Shut up. Just seriously shut the hell up." Sophia snaps at him, and I mentally applaud her for standing up for her friend. I would've done it myself, but I would've got lectured afterwards... Zayn seems amused too as Tom's lips form into a tight line, almost defeated.
"Anyways. Do you promise?"
"I promise, Zayn." Nikki nods her head, this time more firmly then before--more confident.
"Good. We're a gang. All of us, Nathan, Max, Tom, Siva, Jay and I. Harry and those stupid rumors probably have told you things that already--in fact... tell us what you already know, and we'll expand from there."
"Well um... Harry told me to always stay away from you because he said you were dangerous, and played women all the time--" I noticed Tom smirking at her words, and I shot him a glare that he was unaffected by, "--um... he told me that Zayn's gang were fillers and that Zayn has killed people in the past. He used to say how Zayn's gang had a bad reputation and that nobody knew who was actually in this gang... It was a mystery--a scary one."

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...