"WHAT? NATHAN!" I gasped, looking at him with wide brown eyes. He can’t refuse just like that! I need him!
"No Soph, I'm sorry! First of all, Zayn will kill me with all his crazy jealously and secondly, I'm freaking scared of Niall! You know that!" he looked to the pavement with narrowed green eyes. Adorable he may be, but his innocent act needs to go. He needs to man up soon enough—it’s about time he does.
I rested a hand on his shoulder and he looked at me, "look Nath. If we do this, we'll be doing the gang a massive favour... We'll be finding more stuff about Niall that would help expand our knowledge on him and his behaviour! Sure Zayn would be mad for a bit, but he'll understand. I’m positive. Niall won't hurt you, especially not in front of me and Nikki. That’s not how he works. Just don’t be alone with him." I tried my very best to reassure him, not wanting to lose my only hope.
He sighed looking at me unsurely, "I dunno Soph-"
"Pleaaaase?" I looked up with him with puppy eyes and he sighed again, "Fine." he noticed my happy expression and rolled his eyes, “you seriously owe me.”
"Yay! Thank you so much Nathan! You won’t regret it. We’ll have fun!" I grinned at him, hugging him quickly before taking his hand and pulling him inside my house.
He'll have to help me pick out something as he used to be really close to his mother before she tragically passed away. I’m sure he has better fashion sense then I do!
"You look great." Nathan told him with a reassuring smile but, I was still unsure. I hate being insecure... Woah that rhymed!
"So do you Nath. You actually clean up well!" I commented with a smile.
It was true; he had a red blazer on over a plain black tee-shirt with a few dog chains around his neck. He was also wearing skinny black jeans with red high-tops. We decided to colour co-ordinate. I was wearing a thin red shirt and vest top underneath, with black skinny jeans and red heels. Cute right?
"Here, put this on." Nathan adjusted a red and black snapback over my dark curls and I couldn’t help but laugh.
"It's Zayn's isn't it?" I cocked an eyebrow at him as he chuckled, nodding his head. The snapback was one that I always eyed Zayn wearing—it was my favourite one on him. Damn. I really do miss him.
"He wanted you to have something to remind you of him, while 'having the time of your life'" he used quotation marks with his fingers, speaking with great sarcasm. It’s just part of his natural personality—sarcasm. It makes Nathan, Nathan.
Nathan's personality was really cute. He was quite a sarcastically funny person. It's the way he says things that makes them adorable. Only he could pull it off actually!
"You ready? No backing out now." he asked me, taking my hand in his as we headed down the stairs.
"Let's get this night over with."
"Where's Zayn?" I looked up from my piled dinner plate into Jay's curious crystal blue eyes.
"He's upstairs. He says he's planning some important stuff." I answered quickly before shoving a chicken leg into my mouth hungrily. What, I missed lunch because Zayn wanted to go over quite a lot of unneeded stuff as a group.
"That's all he's been doing these past few days. We have barely seen him. He's a mess isn't he? It’s like he’s trying to drown himself in work, to distract himself from missing her. He can't cope without her... I've never seen him like this before...” Jay had a small smile on the corner of his lips as he talked.
Even I had to admit, it's kinda nice to Zayn's softer side. I'm glad he's found someone. Tom certainly isn’t, though but that’s a different story.
"Does that mean you want to settle down too, bird?" I teased him.
A small blush crept onto his pale face and he scratched the back of his neck nervously, "Erm... maybe? I don't know! It's kinda early days, yanno? She's definitely something though... I met her in the bar, and I was attracted to her because she could chug a beer down faster than me, is that bad?”
I hooted suddenly like someone in a football stadium and he buried his face in the palms of his hands in embarrassment, "YOU'VE GOT IT BAAAD. Ooooya Bird!!"
“Oh shut up, I know. Just please don't tell anyone Max, especially not Tom. He'd go mental. You know exactly how he is with relationships... He would lecture me if he found out I didn’t do the usual one night stand.”
I nodded in acknowledgment. I know what Jay was talking about. My Bolton mate hates anything to do with love. For him it's always flings. Never anything serious. It's kinda disgusting at the same time as it is understandable. We're men. We're lone tigers. We need to have fun. Every night is different so we should be with a different girl. I'm glad he's accepted Sophia. We all have. She's like a little sister, if I'm honest. Nothing more because Zayn would kill us with his bare hands. He’s extremely over-protective over her, but I get that. I would be too. She is beautiful and her personality isn’t terrible. Someone that is willing to put up with Zayn and his behaviour that was due from his past, is worth it. He knows that like it’s a fact.
It's a very strange relationship.
They claim to be just friends, not in love and all that... but they act like they're a couple.
Oh just admit your feelings already!
Don't get Siva and I into matchmaking again.
That would be chaos.
{{I feel so bad about this short update, so I'm going to post the next chapter too:) Vote and Comment, please? More drama to come<3-Tanisha.x}}

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...