{It's short sorry, but the next one I'll type up too} xx
I woke up to the sound of.. rap? Urgh. Rap in the morning? Wait- it's not even morning!
I sat up and looked at my beside clock which read '9:30pm'. I had been sleeping for six hours, wow! I must've been really tired... sleep- I need my beauty sleep sometimes.
I sat at the edge of the bed with my feet dangling. I sighed at the sound of my stomach rumbling. I got up and walked downstairs, searching ravenously for food. Note to self: don't sleep without eating. You'll regret it when you wake up.
Zayn was on the couch, watching some Eminem on the TV. I actually love Eminem, but I can't sit and watch.. because being in the same room as Zayn.. yeah, not such a good ide anymore. He hadn't noticed me come down the stairs so, I headed straight to the kitchen with a skip in my step- maybe I was dropped as a baby.. I will never know.
I took a look at the left overs, which was bangers and mash and I almost threw up. I hate mash! I just hate potatoes all together, actually! The sight of the rubbish makes me feel really queasy inside.
I grabbed the usual green apple- making sure it was green this time, then headed back to the stairs.
"Is that your dinner?" I heard Zayn's husky voice speak from the couch.
Without turning around I answered, "Yeah." then carried on walking up the stairs. He should mind his own business sometimes.
"Your mum says we can order a take-away."
"No thanks." I yelled back.
"I can order pizza?" I could almost hear him smirking as I shot down the stairs at his words. If you didn't know.. Pizza was my all time favourite food!
Later- I found myself eating quietly with my legs crossed, opposite Zayn on the floor, with a margarita/spicy veg pizza between us. I wasn't a fan of spicy food but, apparently Zayn was..
"So..." Zayn had finished his side now and was looking at me with emotionless hazel eyes.
"So....." what was I supposed to respond to that?!
"You know I'm trying to protect you.." he started, which startled me.
I almost chocked on my pizza crust! That wouldn't be a pretty sight.
"What?! How are you- what?!" I questioned him in pure confusion.
"Have you not realised how you've affected me?!" He asked me; the atmosphere had gone serious now..
"No... I thought you were always a jerk.." I smirked.
He shook his head in response, "I've... changed- I've-"
"-hit puberty?" I suggested, damn I didn't know I could be so sassy- go Sophia!
"Shut Up! You mean a- a lot to me now! I'm trying to say that.. You're my- you're my weakness.." his fists were clenching and his eyes darkened, but now they were back to their original soft hazel state.
What the hell was he on about?
"Lay off the stale milk. Night." and I ran up the stairs before he could stop me.
Protect me?
For gods sake! He could've rapped me!
How is that protecting?!
He's mental.
This whole place is mental; including me..
{{don't forget to vote and comment your views! -Tanisha .xox}}

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...