I've noticed things are different in the den, the atmosphere was tensed between Tom and Zayn. No-one wanted to question because no-one wanted to take sides. Zayn has been quite stressed recently, going through the plans and missions over and over, everyday as he tried to pick up faults that would delay us confronting Niall. We weren't scared or worried. We just didn't know how to feel. This could only end badly, or end up how we want to end... but how did we want it to end?
If we confront Niall, he's going to know we're associated with Sophia. Then she's going to seem more wanted, more valuable. He could find out easily how much she actually means to Zayn, and use her against him. There's so many, and too many negatives that could happen... it was quiet scary.
My brother was killed by Niall.
Back in Ireland, back in our home town. I'm Irish, and so is Niall. We have history together. I never used to hang out with him as much as Kumar, my twin brother... but nevertheless they used to best-friends. If Niall sees me now, he could think of Kumar. His best-friend that he murdered.
It was all the way back, five years ago. When Niall was sixteen, and Kumar and I were both twenty. I never understood why Kumar hung out with a younger boy, like Niall. It was until I realized how nasty Kumar actually was. I used to think I knew my brother inside and out, but I was so wrong. There was another side then all that met the eye... a devil side.
"Kume, mum says to come and help with dinner! You can revise later!" I banged on his bedroom door, but there was no response. So, I causally opened the door slowly.. and there was my brother laughing hysterically with a bleached blonde haired boy, his brown eyes were wide and blood shot. In his hands was some powder which he was sniffing.. I didn't understand what was going on..
"Kumar? Are you okay? Who's your friend?" I asked him, nervously. I had never seen this guy before. I didn't know he existed.
"Siva, get out! No-one wants you here! You're a boring loser!" Kumar yells at me before laughing hysterically again.
My eyebrows creased together as I take in his words, why would he say that to me? "Kumar... what are you doing?"
"I'm having fun, you waste of space! Go away!" Kumar swotted his hands in the air, motioning me to the door.
But, I held my ground, "and who are you?!" I looked at the bright blue eyed, pale skinned boy, who was wearing a smug look on his face.
"Your worst nightmare." he smirked at me, in a way that made my spine shiver.
So I left them to it. Expecting it just to be a faze, that Kumar would stop being this horrible person and come back to being my lovable twin brother.
But he never did.
My mother got sick with worry every night, waiting for his return. She never used to sleep unless se knew we were both safely at home. It really pained me to see her like this. She was becoming more weak every day.
Our father was murdered too, back when Kumar and I were both five. He was in a chip shop, when he got shot in the neck and neck. He died instantly thanks to his heart condition that he was already suffering from.
All that my mother had, was Kumar and I. We meant the world to her.. I guess Kumar didn't see that.
My mother couldn't take the grief of Kumar dying, she couldn't deal with both her husband and son being taken away from her. She blamed it on herself. She often forgot I existed, while she was busy mourning for them both.
Kumar had been beaten to death by Niall, after Kumar apparently refused to take anymore drugs from Niall. I'm proud that he held his ground but then again, I wish he didn't.... maybe then he'd still be alive now.
I was sadly there. Jay was too. That's how we became friends. Jay's non identical twin brother was also killed that night.
Jay came to Ireland after following his brother when he ran away. He wanted to see why he did so, luckily he found me... otherwise he would've been homeless.
We found out together that Niall was forming a gang. Jay's twin brother, Kumar, Zayn's father, Max's older brother, Tom's older brother, and Nathan's father.
At the time it didn't make sense as to why my mother hung herself a few weeks after the funeral of Kumar, but then I realized why...
She didn't want to watch me suffer. She knew I had to be in a gang... It was in my blood..
My dad, Kumar... and now me.
I was destined to be like this, in this hell hole that I'm in now. She just didn't expect it to be so soon.
We all had our dreadful pasts. We all faced pain that was back home from our families, but I don't think anyone is as close as I was with Niall...
That's why I'm confused as to what I want to feel about confronting Niall.
I couldn't explain this to anyone but Jay, who was there that fateful night.
Watching our brothers broken and destroyed ... we were too weak to stop it.
I couldn't-I couldn't stop it.
I let Kumar die.
In front of my very eyes.
damn, that was quite emotional to write up. I bet most of you are all Directioners reading this, so it's easier for you all to read.. but like, me being in both fan-bases ... *sigh* okay, so I decided in this story, you'll get to find out about everyone's pasts, because it'll help with the story, and understanding as to why everyone's in the gang:) Oh Siva...... I'm such a horrible person......
Goal: 16 votes, and please comment! love you all-Tanisha .xox

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...