Chapter 13. {The Gang}

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"Are you nervous or something?" Zayn smirked at me, looking amused.

I refused to look at or answer him. He didn't deserve my attention. I'm still trying to be mad at him... He's making it so hard to do so, though.

That was until he placed his hands on either side of my waist and pushed me up against the back of a building.

"WHAT?!" I snapped at him.

"So you were blanking me?" now he was even more amused.

"Well done, Sherlock." I muttered, still not looking at him.

"Why? What did I do now?" He chuckled. Why is he laughing, why is he finding this funny?! Is it because he knows I can't stay mad at me? This is not a funny matter!

"Everything! Especially with scaring one of my best-friends!" I hissed at him.

"You're so hot when you're angry." he commented, kissing my cheek softly before taking my hand and we continued to walk.

This is going to be a long day.


It turns out I'm fine; I have no illness. No, I'm not going to die or anything dramatic for crying out loud! I already knew that but my over-dramatic mother wouldn't believe me!

I texted my mum the GREAT news and she was finally reassured. Sadly, I have the rest of the lovely day to spend with Zayn. Oh joy! Please note my sarcasm.

"So babe, what do you wanna do now?" Zayn asked me, swinging our hands that were laced together as we walked. His grip was so tight and controlling, I couldn't escape. Add that to the list of reasons to dislike Zayn Malik, 101.

"Anything that doesn't involve you." I muttered and he heard it, kissing my cheek.

"Yanno you love me really, babe." he winked at me.

"Yeahyeah." I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"So, movie marathon? Or something more fun? Bowling?" he suggested.

I looked at him like he had said the most stupid suggestion in his life.. well he kinda did, "We're supposed to be in school! Do you not realise how mad it would look if we turned up at a bowling alley?"

He smirked, "Aw, so my babe is a genius too? Got the looks and the brains! Wow, the total package!"

I glared at him, how dare he! I am not HIS and never will be!

"Don't you have to meet up with your 'gang' today?" I changed the subject quickly.

"Yeah I do.. but you're more important." He kissed my cheek softly. Why does he keep doing that?! It's so irritating. It's just adding to my period annoyingness. Obviously I'm going to be in a pissed off mood anyway, due to mood swings.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "but you gave me a massive lecture on how important the gang was! I insist you go, before I loose my cool."

He smirked, "Well I'm not leaving you alone so, you'll have to come with me babe."

We continued to walk back to the motor bike before he let out a low chuckle, "and maybe try and control your bloody temper, babe."

Bloody?- Wait.... HEY THAT'S SO RUDE- and funny, but I'm in no mood to joke about these kind of inappropriate remarks.


I don't think scared was the word. I was currently standing hand in hand with Zayn outside a broken down house which he calls 'the den'.

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]Where stories live. Discover now