{{Brace yourselves okay? I'll see you all on the other side...... -Tanisha .xox}}
"Are you sure you're ready for this? I mean, there is no going back after then. No regrets. We face the consequences together." Tom looked at me, with no signs of nervousness, but instead he was concerned--which I'd never thought I'd see on his face. This plan can only end badly, we both knew it. Maybe that's why he's concerned as to how I feel about it all.
"I just hope she's alright. I just really hope I'm not too late. Both Sophia and my mother. We should've come up with a plan sooner. We have to kill him sooner or later, right?" I glanced back at him before leaning back on my beloved motorbike with my arms firmly across my chest.
"They'll be fine, and so will you. Just believe in yourself. That's what you've always told us, right? Believe that you can achieve. I know we're going to have to kill him... but honestly? I don't want to. I want him to rot in jail... but then again, I want to be there to witness the life drain from those cold blue eyes of his. That would be the best feeling in the world." Tom was smirking now at the thought of Niall's death, and I can't help but smirk back.
"It's not right to be thinking like this about someone--but even Siva would agree and approve of this." he chuckled alongside me at my comment.
"Agreed. Who do you think should kill him, anyway?" Tom asked me curiously.
I thought about this question for a few seconds before I decided on my answer, "whoever suffered the most."
He nodded his head in response and we both knew that delaying the moment with a conversation has now ended.
We had to go.
Who knew what events would unfold tonight?
He runs up to me with clear anxiousness in his innocent green eyes. He can try and act hard, pretending he's tough enough to even be a 'friend' to me, but he can't ever be one. I've killed all my 'friends'--which I'll have to do to him soon.
Do I feel guilty about Liam's death?
No. No I actually--honestly--don't.
Do you want to know why? It's because it's just another death added to the pile of murders I've already committed. I mean, I'm already going to hell, there's no point in trying to change myself.
"Y-yes, Niall?" Harry looked at me and I could just about smell the fear radiate off him--that's so funny. I love it when people are afraid of me.
"Get the women ready. We're leaving." I command him. He merely nods his head, clearly confused over my sudden change of plans, before he scurries off and obeys my order.
"TOMLINSON." I bark, and the boy eyed short lad approaches me with a serious expression on his face.
What I don't like about this guy is that's he's constantly moody. He has no life to him. Also the fact that he's not even scared of me, that's what annoys me the very most. He doesn't show any signs of fear or worry when I call him. He just does what I tell him, no arguments. He's a faithful servant--but also a boring one.
"I need you to take the hostage person who is currently in the closet, into the car because we're leaving." I instruct him and he turns away without a second though.
I'd rather have someone like Liam or Harry to challenge me or even question my decisions. Do I now regret killing Liam? Nah. Guilt still hasn't hit me.

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...