"If you two aren't in a relationship, then what are you both in?" my curious mother asked Zayn and I today as we were eating out spaghetti for dinner. The Malik's are great company, Tricia for my mother and I guess that means Zayn for me.
"Friends with benefits?!" Tricia gasped, looking at us then at my mum, then back at us. There was clear amusement on both of their faces. If my child, and my neighbours son were even close to being friends with benefits, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be happy with that! In fact I would be so disgusted, I would want to move to the other side of the country! I don't know what's wrong with these two women!
"WHAT?!" I chocked on the pasta string suddenly, my cheeks flushing deeply in embarrassment. I didn't want to have this conversation with my mother! I actually didn't want to have this conversation with anyone!
"Our lips are sealed... Just sometimes they're not... Especially when we are snogg--" I slapped Zayn's arm shutting him up. He winked at me cheekily before eating. The cheek of this guy and the fact that he has no filter in his mouth really does confuse me sometimes. Are all guys like him?
"We're just... friends I guess?" I answered truthfully, looking down at the spaghetti in my bowl, trying to take me away from this awkward moment. Friends don't kiss. Friends don't flirt. Friends don't... have a relationship like Zayn and I do... Gosh, my mind doesn't shut up!
Our mother's nodded but grinned at each other mysteriously, obviously not believing me.
Oh Great...
I looked up from my phone to see Zayn sitting on the bed, looking down at me intensely. He had propped himself up with his elbows causally. He's finding my house a little too comfortable and I'm pretty sure he's not going to leave any time soon. I'm not complaining though... I like his company... sometimes.
"Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow at him waiting for him to continue.
"Why aren't you friends with yanno--Harry and them lot?" he asked me, curiously. Harry's name stings the area around my heart because remembering my old friends, hurt. They don't like me and I don't blame them.
I sighed, getting up from the floor and sitting down next to him on the bed.
"They gave me warnings to stay away from you because you're 'dangerous'. They didn't want me to get hurt but, I didn't listen to their warnings... That's why they hate me. I should've known better then to ignore their words, though. I feel so stupid." I mumbled the last bit, looking away from his beautiful hazel eyes. They were stunningly amazing, so much better then my dull brown ones. I would happily stare at those eyes all day and not even realise I was doing it. They put me into a trance sometimes.
Zayn took my smaller hands in his and sighed as well, "they don't hate you. They can't hate you. Why would anyone hate you, babe? No-one can..."
"My dad hated me..." I muttered, looking down at our hands that had fitted perfectly. It's the truth though, he really did hate me. He told me it enough times...
"He obviously didn't. You were his only daughter. Of course he didn't. Trust me." Zayn kissed my hair, wrapping his arms protectively around me.
"Zayn... I don't know anymore... I've lost so many people and it's scary... I become so close to these people, then they go... They just leave me. I don't like getting so close to people, so attached to them... I just know they'll leave me, they all do." I admitted, with sadness in my voice that he could clearly hear.
"Babe. Please know that I'd never leave you, okay?" he was speaking in a stern tone now, his eyes darkening slightly.
"You will one day." I whispered, standing up, breaking away from his comforting warmth.
Zayn stood up as well, his height towering over me, "I can't ever leave you. Why would I leave you when you mean everything to me?"
I looked up into his hazel eyes and touched near his eye, the black eye that he got in return for saving me when I was about to be raped in the bushes.. Thank God it's healing. He's got more then enough problems as it is. I'm just adding to his list. I don't want to be a burden on him. I hate being a burden on anyone.
"You leave at night... I hear you. I try to stay up and wait for your return... but you come back so late, I can't." I told him, still looking directly into his eyes. He didn't break eye-contact, which means he has nothing too bad to hide. He's not seeing a bimbo behind my back... Even though it wouldn't even matter, and I shouldn't care because we're not a couple or anything-- damn. I can't be jealous-- at all.
He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him, "I go with the gang... We have business to take care of... We work at night because our brains work harder then."
"The mission?" I remembered, thinking out loud. Relief hit me as well, and I was no longer paranoid about all the girls he's previously been with for a three night stand. Not that I care...
He chuckled hearing the relief in my voice, "Yes, that."
"What is it? What do you do?" I asked him, curiously... maybe soon he'll tell me. Maybe today is the day--
"I can't tell you." He whispered, pecking my lips. Oh.
He'll leave.
He'll leave me again.
Then one day he won't come back.
{{I ship them. Do you?;) hm, comment if you like the story so far?:) Sorry for a short chapter. Vote and Comment please?-Tanisha .x}}

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...