"Miss Carter? Could you read your poem to the rest of the class, please?"
I looked up to Mr Gerald, who was my English Language teacher. He loved the potential I had, he saw talent in me. Talent that I didn't notice before.
I slowly got to my feet, nervously coughing before reading, "I wasn't broken, no I wasn't bruised. I could be fixed, easily you see, all I have to do is believe. Believe that I can fly, soar high, away from the pain, away from the games, that you're winding me into, it's a trap. I know for a fact, you're using me, knowing you have the key, to my heart, thinking we'll never be apart, but you're wrong. You're never right, so watch my now take flight, with my newly discovered wings, so you go back to your flings, because I'm gone. So long."
There was a few seconds of silence, as everyone seemed to be stunned by my words, then suddenly the whole class erupted with applause. It was such a overwhelming feeling. I sat back down in my seat next to Liam, smiling happily.
"That was incredible, well done!" Liam congratulated me with a big smile. I returned it, before shifting my eyes on the person who I wanted to hear the poem the most. The one this poem was about.
His hazel eyes had narrowed, slouched in his seat at the back of the class. He didn't look up, either unaware that I was looking at him, or not wanting to look at me. Either way, I was happy with whatever he was feeling. I kinda wished it would sting him a bit.. to show him I'm hurting... sort of.
He doesn't usually come to school. I'm not supposed to be coming in either, because apparently if Niall comes here looking for Nikki, he'd find me.. and that wouldn't be good. I'm 'unprotected'. Ha! That's the only reason why Zayn's here.
"Amazing, Miss Carter. Everyone take notes and mark my words young lady, you're going to go far with your creative mind." Mr Gerald spoke in a 'matter of fact' voice. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks heat as every pair of eyes were now on me.
Luckily the bell rings, and school is over now. I give Liam a quick hug, before leaving him and heading to me locked. I dumped all my unwanted things, the things that's been weighing my school bag down, and mentally prepare for the walk to Louis's house. I refused his offer of a ride back home, because I need the exercise... and I need some time to think by myself... the walk to school seems like the only time I have alone.
I shut the locker and almost scream out when I see Zayn leaning on the locker beside me, his hazel eyes watching me intensely.
"Hi." He says simply, wow. Is that all you have to say? Okay. Let's ignore you.
He grabs onto my wrist, preventing me from walking away.. damn it.
"Please stop and heart me out.. again. I'm sorry about that night. I really didn't mean anything I said... apart from the fact that I love you. I really do!" He told me, in an almost desperate tone.. ha.
"You don't know what love is, Zayn." I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him.
"I do! I do know what it is, because it's exactly what I feel for you!"
"You're having a laugh! That's lust you idiot!" I laughed half-heartedly while attempting to yank my arm away from his grip.. but failed.
"No, it's love. Okay, I know it is! I think about you nearly every second of the day. You're the first thing I think of when I go to bed, and when I wake up. I worry about you, smile while thinking of you. I laugh when thinking about how much a clutz you are. My heart leaps almost when I see you around, but then shatters when I know you hate me now-"

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...