I looked up to see Zayn's tall figure by the dress section. He was holding a piece of thin material in his hands. As I walked closer, I realized it was a really tight, small very-very revealing blood red dress. I mean are you serious? Who the heck wears that? Prostitutes!?
"What is that?" I prodded the silky material that was in his hands, my nose crinkling in disgust.
"That is sexy. That would look gorgeous hugging your curves." Zayn smirked, placing the material that I can't call a dress, in front of me and began to examine it.
"No way am I buying that. Are you crazy?!" I shook my head firmly, turning away.
"Good, because I'm buying it for you."
I turned back around and glared at him; he's so annoying! But.. the good kind... I can't believe I've known him for a bit more then three weeks now! Time goes fast when you're having fun.
"C'mon, for me... try it on?" he pouted at me cutely.
How does he do that!? How does he sway me to his side, that quickly?! It's totally unfair. He knows I can't say no to that face-- I mean, it's so adorable and he's completely not, with his 'bad boy style' and a cute puppy face-- I just-- I just can't say no.
I groaned, yanking it out of his hand and stomped over to the changing rooms, like a child who doesn't get their way.
I picked one and Zayn sat outside, looking like a pedo.
I took my clothes off and placed the material over my body. Wow, how did he find my size? It fits perfectly! That's even more annoying!
I examined it on me. It only went up to a bit over mid bloody thigh! I'm not a piece of meat! Thank God I shaved... The top cut wasn't that low which was reassuring though. I mean I don't have barely any cleavage anyway, so there wasn't anything to show off... well according to Zayn there was.
When I was ready, I opened the door, to a wide mouth and eyed Zayn.
"Crap." he cursed loudly, immediately biting down on his bottom lip.
"Is it that bad?" I questioned him, self-consciously. I don't want to look like a complete slut-- that would be horrible!
"Babe, you look so so sexy!" he exclaimed, standing up so he was now towering over me.
I tilted my neck to the side, waiting for him to start laughing at his joke, but he never did.. oh.
He pecked my lips and smirked, turning me around.
"Yep. Drop dead. Why aren't you a model or a stripper? Oh wait, because you're MY personal one!" he smirked at me like he had made the world's funniest joke. It's the worlds most cheesiest one, actually.
"Get real. Unzip the side for me please; it's stuck." I grumbled, childishly.
His soft hands touched my bare skin and pulled the plastic metal zip slowly... there really was no need to do it so slowly, it was just adding to the sexual tension between us.. I mean c'mon.
"Thanks." I mumbled, shutting the door in his face as I knew he wanted to come and watch me change like always... pedo.
So I let him pay for the dress as I wanted my mother to believe I still had my dignity... which I do! I'm not stupid enough to by such a revealing dress, I do have some pride. I did have self-respect!
"Party tonight?" Zayn looked down at me, carrying the bags like a true gentlemen. I must be driving him crazy with all this shopping yet he hasn't complained once... aw. He's trying so hard to keep me happy, I don't understand why though.

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...