We sat in silence. She had an expressionless mask on her face, hiding all her emotions while I drove. I couldn't really sum up all these sudden events. I haven't Zayn in about a month, and obviously something's happened between the pair... causing Zayn's sudden outburst!
He loved her? Zayn Malik... loving someone? Why is that so hard to believe?
He defiantly looked at Sophia in a way he's never looked at any other girl before. I can't help but think of his pasts.... Sophia can't be like his many three night stands, right? He's stay this long with her. What's it been, four-five months? Anyways. If she didn't meant anything to him then sex, he would leave. So, she obviously means a lot to him. I want to know what happened! Oh damn, forget the noisiness!
"Soph..... what happened?" I glanced at her quickly before looking back at the road ahead.
I heard her sigh to herself before responding, "He thinks he can control me. I don't like that. I've always been an independent person, ever since I was a little girl. My mother used to work late, to pay for the bills that kept rising and rising, while my father was a useless waste of space. Most of my childhood was spent alone, but I liked it like that. Now Zayn, he thinks he can take that away. He's really overprotective over me, I don't even know why! But whatever. He's so confusing! one seconds he's all romantic, then he's a perv, then he's sweet and funny, then he's just so mean.. he said the most horrible things to me today. It's like we're going in this circle. I can't stand to be so far away from him, but having him near has it's consequences too. I just really don't know what to do, Louis!" Sophia blurted out in a rushed speed.
I almost crashed the car trying to concentrate on what she was saying! Luckily we arrive at my house now.
"I guess-I guess there's only one thing I can ask you though... Do you love him? Do you think he actually meant it when he said he loved you?"
"That's two things you've asked Lou-" she smirked and I rolled my eyes chuckling lightly before she continued, "-but honestly? I don't know. I'd like to this he cares. I'd like to think he likes me... but love?It's really too soon."
I was lost in thought, "Really though? You've known each other for about four-five months now. Almost half a year. I think that's enough to realise that you're in love with someone; especially if you're practically living together, seeing each other everyday!"
"I-I never thought about it like that.."
I jumped out the car, and opened the passenger door for her. She gratefully smiled, coming out.
"MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM-oh wait. She's not in tonight. I hope that's okay. The girls have all gone on a quick holiday, I have no idea why." I informed her, looking at her sheepishly.
"Don't worry about it. Thanks for letting me stay at such short notice! I'm sorry if-"
"-don't you worry your dark curls about it! Never fear, because Tommo is here!" I mimicked the superman pose, earning a laugh to escape her lips.
My aim of tonight is to make her smile, and mend that empty space in her heart. The bit where Zayn tore out.
I can do this.
It's on like Donkey Kong!
"Where's Sophia?"
I let out a groan when I saw Nikki, looking up at me from the sofa. I really needed some peace and quiet, so I could think.. but no.
"Louis's." I answered the short girl bluntly.
"Why?" God-she annoyed me. Stay calm. Stay calm, Malik.
"None of your business is it?!" I gritted my teeth.
"Oh no-you've messed up again, haven't you?" she shook her head disappointedly at me. I couldn't contain my anger in any longer now..
Oh no.
"Wh-what? Sl-lut? What are you on about, Zayn? Are you feeling alright?" Nikki gulped, getting to her feet now, her face full of fear and worry... good.
"You just got out a relationships with Harry. Any normal person would still be grieving over the fact her boyfriend of almost A YEAR, cheated on her... not once, but several times throughout the WHOLE relationship! Now, a day after... well, only a few hours later, you're with Niall! How does that work out?! I laughed hysterically, before sending her a death glare.
"-no! Listen! And so you're saying I'm a bad person, and you're asking me why I called you a slut?! There you go, love. There's your answer."
My words came out harsher then I expected them to be, but I don't regret it because if I don't tell her, who will? Truth hurts babe.
Her green eyes were welling with tears now, her pale face crippling with pain, and I just simply stormed upstairs, not wanting to see any crap.
I immediately headed to Sophia's room, throwing myself on her bed, thinking of nothing but her and the memories we've had on this bed.
I would be lying to myself if I said I regretted meeting her, opening the front door for her all those months ago. I'm glad I was dressed that way. I don't regret anything in our relationship except the cutting words I said to her previously..
"Girls would be lucky to be in your position." Ha. No-one would put up with my crap like Sophia can.
If we could only turn back time.
didn't know what to call this chapter but because of the last line.. I thought, hey Moments by EdSheeran!:) Anyways. Hope that was okay:) Wish I had a mate like Louis, tbh. goal: 16 votes, love you all-Tanisha .xox

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...