{hey lovelies, please check out the new trailer which is on the side now! Yay:)) YES- I MADE A NEW ONE, WOHOOOO. So now there's like three videos to this book:p Haha, please take a look!-Tanisha.xox}}
I turn around and see Tom standing at the kitchen doorway, rubbing his eyes tiredly. I smile up at him, "Hey. I wasn't expecting anyone up."
"Yeah, well I smelt the smell of bacon--so here I am." he chuckled and I smiled again. It's nice to see Tom in a happy mood rather then in a pissed off one, like usual.
"Is anyone else up?" I ask him, curiously. I didn't want to wake anyone because I knew they'd all be pretty exhausted from yesterday's long, dramatic day.
"Nah. It's only me."
I nod in response, turning my attention back to the breakfast I'm cooking. I would like to think I'm a good cook--I'm better then my mother, that's a fact.
"Sophia... I want to ask you something." Tom had now perched down on the table top beside where I was frying the bacon.
"Yeah, sure."
"Well--Zayn wouldn't approve of this, I don't know why though, because it would help with your safety and everything... but, anyways. How would you like to learn self defence?"
"Are you saying, I look weak?" I cocked an eyebrow at him jokily and he chuckled in response, "they were your words, not mines. Seriously though, what do you think? I think that it would help a lot. Then maybe Zayn could stop being so worried and stressed about protecting you all the time."
"--aww, you care about Zaynie. Aww, Thomas!" I prodded her heard torso teasingly, and he rolled his hazel eyes at me.
"Yeah, yeah. Laugh all you want but I'm serious. I'd be happy to teach you--anything to stop Zayn from frowning all the time. It's not a good look."
I laugh, "You're right. It's defiantly not attractive but, I never asked Zayn to protect to anyway... He just does it naturally. Sometimes it can be rather annoying, though... we he becomes over-protective."
"It's only because he cares, and doesn't want to loose you." Tom commented, before quickly looking away from me.
"AWWWWWWWWWWW--TOM'S GOING SOFT!" I grinned at him, cheekily while he scoffed, "Psht no!"
"Suuuure, Tom. You protect your man pride. Seesh, what's with you guys and your pride? It's like you and Zayn are so confident and proud all the time--it's stupid--"
"--we don't show fear, because that's a weakness. Weakness is a disadvantage, that adds to making you loose. If we're going to loose, we might as well quit--"
"--quitters never win, and winners never quit." I tell him in a 'matter of fact' tone that makes me reflect on those words that my mother used to always tell me.
"Mum--I really can't, please. I don't want to go anymore, please Mum." I look up at my mother with misty eyes. Her blue eyes are full of sympathy and love as she reaches out to hug me, me resting my face onto her shoulder.
"My baby girl can do anything she sets her mind to. There's no such thing as impossible. The word itself says, 'I'm Possible', doesn't it sweetheart? Just because you mad one mistake, doesn't mean you should quit, sweetheart. Quitters never win, and winners never quit. I want you to remember that, okay?"
"But Mum--I can't--"
"--eh, eh, eh, sush! Young lady, I raised you better then this. I told you once, and I won't tell you again. You my dear, are perfect just the way you are and you shouldn't change for anyone. If someone doesn't like you and asks you to change, there's something wrong with them. Do you understand? You can be whoever you want to be. If you just believe in yourself, Sofie."

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...