Chapter 3 - Remembering Memories

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So the random guy that ended up coming wasn't random. I mean, yeah, technically he was random since I wasn't expecting it to be him at all, but I did know who he was.

Robert thought dinner was supposed to be an event, so he decided to finally use the huge dining room downstairs. He was wearing his cardigan-sweater thing, some very expensive slacks and... what else? Nike's. He made me wear a dress, the asshole, a navy lace dress with a low back and a high collar that he said made me look more my age than the silk pajamas I wanted to wear instead did. Seated at the table, I saw a man about Robert's age, maybe a little bit older. I smiled, and a sentiment that hadn't surfaced in a long time settled in the pit of my stomach.

I was starstruck.

Unfortunately, I was never one of those people who didn't speak when they didn't know what to say--I just about always had something to say.

So, of course, I said something like:

"I'm in love with you, and your work, of course. You're like some sort of acting-god-genius and go you underneath the 'They're Awesome' file in my head. You are absolutely brilliant and I love you, so, so, so much. Fuck, I think I've already said that!"

The bright smile that lit the man's face was kind and sincere, if not a little startled, and he put his hands together to lean forward in a modest bow.

He looked at Robert, who was grinning down at me like mad. "I knew you two would hit it off!" He said confidently, smirking.

Johnny Depp, one of my all-time favorite actors, looked down at me and warmly embraced me. I've always heard about his down-to-earth nature and reserved personality, and it was all true. I thought he was perfect and just about died there in his arms. He smelled like some kind of expensive French cologne and cigarette smoke. I smiled again.

After a second or two, though, I have to push him away slightly, needing to breathe. If I wasn't careful, I would start hyperventilating and I didn't need Robert hovering over me all evening. I looked around for my IV drip but quickly remembered that Rob deemed it unnecessary for tonight.

"Yeah, no more hugs for now." I pant out when Johnny releases me, and my labored breaths do even out slowly but surely. Johnny graciously obliges me.

"But I still think you're work in Pirates of the Caribbean is unparalleled. Robert, this guy is amazing." I said, elbowing my biological father in his forearm. He shrugged, unimpressed.

"Ah, I guess he's alright." He said sarcastically. I glared at him and he laughed. "Johnny-boy and I have a movie coming up. The lead roles are two best friends in the movie, so I thought I'd be fitting to have some dinner tonight since we'd all be in each other's faces the next six months."

"Did you guys know each other before tonight?" I ask, noticing how easygoing the two seem to be around the other for people who've never worked together before.

The genuine and never-ending grin on Johnny's face answers my question. "Oh, yeah." He shifts his weight, pushing his long chocolate brown hair behind his ears. "I've know Bob Downey quite a while."

I looked at Johnny, something suddenly dawning on me. "Waitaminute." I said, the words all blurring together to the point of becoming one. "Were you already in Texas?"

Johnny exchanged a confused look with Robert but nevertheless answered my question. "No. I, uh, actually flew over from where I was in New York."

The mention of 'New York' seemed to trigger something in me, an onslaught of memories that I didn't even know I had overwhelming my mind as they hit like a freight train. Blinking rapidly, I felt some of the missing pieces of my life finally start to fall into place. I vaguely heard Robert and Johnny calling my name as I fell deeper into the rabbit hole, the both of them seeming to get louder each time I didn't respond.

Thorns On My Rose: A Story of the Daughter of Robert Downey Jr. (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now