Chapter 24 -Part 2 - Stereotypes of Celebrities

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 I wanted to let you guys know that I'm changing up the age a little bit... so now, in this book, Robert is 46, not 48, like he is in real life, and Gwyneth, therefore, is two years younger than she is in real life also, she's 38. Tom is 30 and Alex is still the same age... Yes Alex.

I mentioned Alex for a reason, my dears....... that's all I'm going to say about that :) *grins mischievously*

Anyways, I hope you all like this one. It's another Alana-Rose and Tom chappy.



Alana Rose POV

Is it strange that I nearly forgot all about Robert after that hilltop? Is it slightly weird that I practically enjoyed myself as I screamed into the fairly clear air by that beach? Is it completely insane that apparently scream therapy works more than eating Ben and Jerry' s after a horrific breakup?

Um, to answer all of my own questions: Yes. Yes it is.

I still find it amazing that I was able to snap back to somewhat of my regular, controversial self after that terrible visit from Robert. And, really, I had Tom to thank for that.

I was holding his hand as we sang to the top of our lungs "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey, Tom singing in a very high-pitched and a tad bit whiney voice. I was laughing as he turned to me, singing the lyrics to me.

I smiled, leaning back against the seat, watching his serious face as he shimmied his shoulders towards the wheel and then back.

Did I really have this gorgeous, English chunk of sexy all to myself? I thought, suddenly. And, if so....what, exactly did that all imply?

I raised an eyebrow, thinking. I was going to be seventeen in less than a month and Tom was, what? Like, thirty? Yeah, so, that definitely made our relationship illegal. Meaning: no fricking sex... but...

What the police don't know won't really hurt them. I sighed, inwardly. Slow yo road, buckaroo, I thought.

Tom might not even want to go there... I mean, we have had some pretty intense make out sessions that would probably be fit for one of those little bitty books you find at Wal-Mart with the half naked men on the front.

But we'd never done it. NEVER. And, you know, I wasn't complaining. Tom was the greatest boyfriend I'd had so far, and we hadn't even been dating for a whole day. But we'd had been friends for about four months prior, so it wasn't like I was being a mega ho or anything. But now that we were actually together... did Tom even see me that way?

That was definitely something we needed to talk about. Not now, of course... later. Much later.

"Love?" I snapped my head towards him, raising my eyebrows.

"Hm?" Tom frowned, but the corners of his mouth quirked.

He glanced at the road again before looking back at me. I could tell we were close to his apartment.

"You drifted off again on me, darling." I groaned, sighing.

"I sure hope you weren't saying something too important."

He laughed, making me grin. "The song went off, Lana. I was asking you what you want to listen to." I scoffed, kissing his hand before I let go.

"No more music for now, Tom." He pouted at this, his ginger eyebrows knitting.

"No mas?" He asked in Spanish, looking truly upset that our jamfest was over.

I nodded, vigorously, turning towards him. "Nope. No mas, Thomas. Remember what happened to me the last time I was singing to the top of my lungs after dark in a moving vehicle?" I joked. Tom paled and I chuckled.

Thorns On My Rose: A Story of the Daughter of Robert Downey Jr. (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now