Chapter 26 - An Almost-Truth

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"Savannah." Tom breathed, and if I'd have been facing him, I'm sure I would've caught all the color draining from his face. "Wow." He said with a sort of grimace in his voice. He recovered fairly quick, I noticed bitterly, and I could practically hear a smile in his voice as he greeted his ex with a little more warmth than I was comfortable with. Tom Hiddleston, forever the charmer.

"Hi, Tom." The curvy slut-goddess giggled, reaching to lay her manicured fingers on Tom's bare arms. He remained cordial, but appeared more stoic as he embraced her, gently pushed her off him after a few seconds. There was no way I could effectively hide and spy from behind the pillar, but I tried my very best, ignoring the imaginary sounds of my heart prepping for its own biopsy. If she saw me, it was all over!

Iron Man's Little Princess Is Low Key Loki's Queen sounded like the perfect E!  gossip article that would sell for weeks on end. I just kept imagining this grainy, very unflattering picture gracing the disgraceful covers of National Inquirer of Tom basically shirtless and me in my sports bra and sweatpants...

Oh God.

"What on earth are you doing here? You're supposed to be shooting for that new documentary?" Tom inquired evenly, but I couldn't help but hear the accusation in his voice.

"Yeah, I know! But, I got a break, thankfully! All that filming was so tiring, and I thought you'd want to see me." She looked up at him through her long eyelashes, smiling a pretty genuine smile. She obviously wanted to have sex with him (I mean, who didn't?), but I could also see Savannah still really liked him.

"I heard you were back in the States so I came to see you." Savannah tossed her dark chocolate hair over her shoulder carefully as Tom just stood there, his back to me.

The worst part of all of this? Not that she's gorgeous, which she is, or that she is taller and leggy-er than me. It isn't exactly that she is old enough to legally date Tom and be accepted by society as his girlfriend without people thinking he's a creep, even though that is really annoying. It's not that they dated before, either, because the past is the past, and who gives a shit 'cause he's with me now. But what tears me in two is how so very comfortable Savannah is with basically asking Tom to shag her senseless. So at ease... like this was the fucking norm...

I flinched at the thought. Wait... no. My stomach twisted as the thought developed and that's when it started to do actual damage. Not Tom. No, not Tom. Tom wouldn't do that to me, would he? I gripped my stomach, feeling bile in the back of my throat rise.

Tom, realizing that he'd been silent for too long, grunted in acknowledgment that he'd indeed heard her. He started running a hand through his hair, chuckling nervously. "Oh."

Savannah smile had already dimmed and was now faded, a look in her eye as she suddenly looked about her and I jumped back from her view.

"Is now not a good time, maybe? You've got someone else here, haven't you? Gosh, I probably shouldn't rang you first, eh?" She breathed, looking anxiously up at Tom, who managed to plaster an apologetic smile across his lousy face.

"Yes! Well, no, no. No one is here, but yes, actually, now is the worst possible time. I was just about head out for breakfast with Chris." He lied, smoothly. Savannah raised a brow, grinning as she adjusting her purse. She was obviously disappointed, her eyes had fallen.

"Ah. That's a shame. I would've loved to caught up with you." She whispered seductively.

I. Was. Going. To. Hurl.

Tom laughed nervously again, no real words finding his lips before he shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts. Thoughts I'm sure he wouldn't want me to hear about.

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