Chapter 27 - Rabbit Food and Regina George

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Robert's Perspective

One Week Later

I sighed in despair, my head stuck in Gywn's refrigerator, hopelessly searching for food. Real food. Like, food that had a taste, a taste that was nice and delectable and detectable and made someone want more of it.

Gwyneth had no food. What. So. Ever.

"Robert!!" Gwyneth yelled, her already high pitched voice even higher with rage. I chuckled, grabbing a Gatorade and set it delicately on the counter with the rest of her various diet-inforcing eateries before digging through the frig once more.

"Yes, dear?" I muttered, a smile playing on my lips. I pulled out some hummus and grimaced, tossing it back, slamming the door to her refrigerator with an irritated bang.

I scratched the steadily growing shadow on my jaw, wishing Gwyn would let me shave it already. It itched like hell in the beginning stages.

Gwyneth padded into the kitchen, her hair wet and dark with water, only wearing a sports bra and yoga pants. I raised an eyebrow and then frowned thoughfully, picking up a carrot.

"Why don't you always dress like this, huh?"

She rolled her eyes, annoyed. I smirked. "Robert!"

I crossed my arms, flexing, on purpose. She breathed an extremely exasperated sigh but the smile was already there.

"No, really. I like that look on you." She closed her eyes.

"Robert Downey, you are quite the charmer." Gwyneth grumbled as she began to sip her cup of coffee, her eys closing once more as she did so.

I clapped and she jumped, her eyes snapping open. I giggled she rolled her eyes again, shoving me.

"Can you please explain to me why all my toothpaste is missing?" I frowned. Damn.

I'd forgot about that.

"Oh. Right. Yeah, about that." I started, placing the orange veggie in my hands next to a celery that was a bright green. "See, I meant to--"

She shook her head. "Don't you think I should know that my toothpaste is missing,just so I can go buy some more? I mean, it is my toothpaste, right?"

I nodded. "Right. No, of course. I promise I will do that next time." I pulled her to me, kissing her cheek. She squealed and relaxed, the tension in her shoulder slowly releasing. 

I smiled, knowing that even before we'd started dating she would only ever relax in my arms.

"Forgive me?" I asked, a large and unneeded pout on my face.

"Um, yes." She said hesitantly. I kissed her again, laughing. 

Gwyneth raised a warning finger. "But, if this happens again, you might have to sleep on the couch."

I looked over at the counter, frowning at my assorted foods. I rolled my eyes, letting her go. "Uh, Robert. What is all of this food doing here? Why isn't it in the fridge?"

I sighed, sweeping Gwyn and her dangerlously slooshing cup of hot liquid up into my arms and onto a stool, ignoring her quick swats at me and berrating comments about how inconsiderate and whimiscal I was.

"Yes, this is a little presentation I prepared--"

She groaned, interrupting me, again. "God, Robert, no, please."

"--about how you have absolutely NO FOOD in this entire house."

She put her head in her hands and I placed my hands behind my back. Ready to begin.

Thorns On My Rose: A Story of the Daughter of Robert Downey Jr. (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now