Chapter 12 - Part 1 - A Forgotten Past

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To my new readers, you all are fantastic and I thank you for reading. And to my older readers, who have been there from the start, you guys are amazing and I thank you for believing that I could only make this story better as it went on.

Enjoy, my lovelies.

- Bea x


Alana-Rose's Perspective

My eyes snapped open only to close again. Too bright. Too bright. I blinked, groaning as a rush of pain hit me, full force.

My. Head. Hurts. And it's not like a migraine hurt, but it's a something-is-wrong hurt.

But what happened??

I was so confused. And tired. And weak. I honestly felt like shit and I didn't understand why... Or i couldn't remember why...

Either way I didn't get it. 'Cause really, who just wakes up and feels like they have been dragged over three hundred miles of glass shards? Nobody, right? Exactly.

My eyes blinked open, squinting into the fluorescents overhead. I let myself take in my surroundings, my eyes wandering around the room cautiously. Overly clean, disinfectant smell. Bland white walls and a stupid water color painting of a yellow sailboat on a random dark blue ocean. The fuck?

Why the hell was I in a damn hospital bed and why the hell was... wait. Is that Robert Downey Jr.?

But it couldn't be, right?

But sure enough, sitting right next to me was one of the most famous, well-known men in the world. His trademark brown eyes were tired as he stared at the wall. He had a baseball cap on, covering tangled dark brown hair. For whatever reason, he had a busted up lip and a bruised eyebrow, looking like he'd been in some kind of a showdown. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt and some sweatpants with flip flops. He looked horrible.

I looked down at my hands to find them trembling. I was staring to hyperventilate, a major freak-out taking place. There was this beeping sound in the background that seemed to get louder and faster.

Robert Downey Jr., the famous movie star, was in my hospital room. My loud breathing and the crazy noise in the room must have snapped him out whatever daze he was in. His eyes turned to me, relieved and smiling as he reached for my hand. I frowned at him as he squeezed and kissed it.

"This is weird." I whispered to no one in particular, my eyes widening as he grinned. "Really, really weird."

"It's so good to see your face." He says emotionally, choking up a bit. He stops kissing my hand and just holds it in both of his, running his thumb over mine.

"What happened?" I asked, speaking up a little louder. I winced when I finally heard my voice. I was so hoarse. I sounded like a fricking girl version of Louis Armstrong. Downey sighed.

"There was an accident." I flinched. Damn it, Rose. How do you not know what happened?

What the... I couldn't remember. I can't... An accident?? Why was I in an accident??!

"Accident?" I breathed. I was gonna throw up. "W-What accident? What-what happened?"


I shrunk back into the bed, breathing hard. How does he know me? What the hell is he doing here?

Robert bit his lip nervously.

"Lana, it's okay." He said, worrying eyes intently on mine. "You're going to be fine, I promise--"

"What are you doing here?" I said, blinking. "How do you know my name?"

Thorns On My Rose: A Story of the Daughter of Robert Downey Jr. (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now