CHAPTER 28- Part 1 - "Its Safe To Say"

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Tom's Perspective

I had to blink a few times before what she was saying dawned on me fully. It wasn't really connecting, for some odd reason-- I think I was experiencing some form of a mild shock, that I was sure would go into full swing in a few, short moments.

I cleared my throat, looking away from my very underage girl friend, staring at the flat screen.

"When you say 'late'-- what exactly do you mean by late, love?" I heard Alana sigh.

"Tom. I think you know what I mean, babe. Late as in Aunt Flo missed her damn flight to my reproductive organs, and as a result, I am lacking my stinkin' period."

I cringed slightly, closing my eyes as I leaned back into the couch. "Good Lord."

Lana huffed. "Not now, He's not." I blew out a long, laboured breath.

I could almost picture the headlines now: something about me being a child molester, raping Alana, Robert Downey's daughter...

Oh, God.

What was I going to tell him?? Him of all people. He was practically one of my idols. He was a friend, for Christ's sake. How the bloody hell was I going to explain that I'd actually had physical SEX with his daughter ILLEGALLY, and had been enough of a twit to not use the proper protection?!

Rose was the one to snap me out of it. She poked my arm, and my eyes flew open.

The look on her face made me feel instantly guilty. Her brown eyes were swimming with unshed tears and she seemed so defeated, though nothing had yet been confirmed.

I reached out for her and she let me catch a few stray tears that were wandering down her cheeks.

"Darling." I said, pressing a kiss to her lips. She moved them once or twice against mine before pulling away.

I bit my lips peering at her. I couldn't focus on myself. However difficult this was going to be for me, I'm sure it'd be ten times worse for her.

"Hmm. We've found ourselves in a bit of a pickle, haven't we?"

Her eyes seemed to smile at my saying but she was soon somber. "A pickle you probably don't care to share, right?"

I frowned. "Alana. I'm not going to abandon you in this, love. I won't. I swear, I'm not like that, darling, and, if you are carrying my child, I won't leave him either."

She flinched when I verbalized the possibility of a baby. “God, I would ruin you." She whispered, her eyes shut tight. "I would ruin your career, your image, your success... it would all be gone because of me, Tom."

I considered this, knowing that she was a smart girl. That this, what ever it was, if this was really happening, it would have to come to light eventually, and, yes, my life's work could possibly end just as things were finally starting to happen for me

But I'd already made up my mind a long while back. And I don't think I was changing my decision anytime soon. I was stubborn in that way, I suppose.

I smiled, though she couldn't see me. "I don't care."

She shook her head, leaning against the couch, her body tensed and shaking. "You're only saying that to make me feel better, one. Or two, you're some type of sadist who wants to make me feel even worse about doing this to you."

I laughed, scooting over to where she was on th couch, scooping her up and into my lap. She kept her eyes shut the entire time but placed her head in the crook between my neck and left shoulder, her nose grazing my collar bone. I wrapped my arms about her small body, clutching her to me as I rocked us back and forth quietly.

"Darling. I... I'm scared too, you know. It'd never been my intention to cause any of this. Yes, I fully admit that I wanted to be your first, that I wanted to be the one to see you come undone for the first time in my arms-- and while I'm sure that that all would have happened eventually, I didn't expect for it to take place as soon as it did, as early in our relationship as it had."

I paused. “Ask me if I regret it."

Alana sniffled softly. “Do you?" I rubbed soothing cirlces into her back, continuing.

“Absolutely not. Alana-Rose, if someone told me I would have the opportunity to make love to you all night long but that this would have happened, I think I still would have done it. Not just because I can be an extremely selfish bastard, but because I love you-- and I see no harm in starting our future together just a little early, since I'd planned on spending the rest of my life with you anyway."

I pulled away from her to look at her. She was regarding me in a funny way and I smirked.


She shook her head, shrugging. "You are so perfect, Tom Hiddleston." She whispered, placing her hands on either side of my face. She said this as if it was a normal compliment, like she was telling me I looked particularly fit in a certain suit.

I blushed. "'This is the perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections.'" She rolled her eyes.

"Who said that?"

"Saint Augustine."

She had a confused look on her face. "But isn't that what you strive to do?" I frowned this time. "Discover your own imperfections?"

I smiled. "I suppose so."

My darling grinned, her dried tears still on her chubby cheeks. "Then I think it's safe to say you're perfect." And then she leaned down to kiss me.

Thorns On My Rose: A Story of the Daughter of Robert Downey Jr. (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now