Chapter 24 - Part 3 - Raincheck?

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Tom's Perspective

As I waited, anxiously pacing the length of my bed room, I looked towards my bathroom door, knowing exactly what was going on in there. I was all I could do to keep myself in this room without yanking the door open and viewing my underage girlfriend fully. I ran a hand through my hair, seating myself on my bed, my eyes glued to that stupid door. I tapped my foot, a tad irritated that the only thing that was separating Alana and I was an infernal piece of timber.

An unlocked piece of timber.

Yes, I'd tried the knob already. I found that it twisted easily in my large hands and I was a bit surprised, honestly.

But it just made me feel even more guilty because she trusted me.

She wanted me to wait. And wait so, here I was.

Bloody waiting.

I threw her shampoo bottle up into the air a few times, trying to distract myself until I simply couldn't take it anymore.

I cleared my throat. "Love?" I asked, standing and tapping lightly on the door. I heard Alana chuckle.

"Getting a bit anxious there, are we, Hiddles?" She called, teasing me.

I blushed before I heard her sigh dramatically. "I guess you can come in now."

I heard the sound of water swishing and then nothing. I frowned, turning the knob and poked my head inside.

I groaned before I laughed. "Good Lord, Alana."

My huge bathroom had Jacuzzi-like tub in the very middle, so it wasn't hard to miss. The thing was overflowing with bubbles and suds, some now on the tiled floor. I frowned, searching for a familiar auburn, brown head.

I jumped when she surfaced, gasping around the endless bubbles. I smiled. She wiped her closed eyes carefully before blinking them open, smoothing her hair water-laden back.

I gulped, trying not to imagine what she looked like underneath all those suds.

She looked over to me, a lazy smile across her face. "Hello there."

I laughed, pulling a stool form my bedroom and into the bathroom setting it near the tub. I pulled up the sleeves of my sweatshirt and Rose turned away from me, leaning her head back. I smiled, lathering my hands in her soapy hair, massaging her scalp.

She moaned a bit and I looked up to see her frown. "You'll have to excuse my very smelly, extremely girly shampoo."She apologized.

I moved fingers skillfully across her head, satisfied when she relaxed into my hands. "I don't mind darling. I just hope that my hair smells half this good."

She smiled, opening her brown eyes, her lashes flying up. "You sometimes smell too nice."

"I didn't even know there was such a thing as smelling too nice." I told her, cupping my hands and rinsing the water from her hair.

She sputtered when water ran down her face. "Sorry, darling." I quickly apologized. "Alright, all done."

She laughed at me. "Babe, we should watch a movie." She said, purposely changing the subject.

I quirked an eyebrow. "What? Just so we can not watch it?" I teased her. She ran her hands through her hands through their hair, pulling out tangles.

There was a heat in her eyes that I'd only seen once or twice before. It made me cross my legs, trying to hide the growing bulge in my sweats.

"Maybe." She said seductively. "Maybe do our Q&A then, yeah?"

I nodded. "Maybe." I agreed. I leaned towards her, pecking her lips with my own. She grabbed my hair hungrily, arm wet, dripping with warm water, exposing the smallest bit of her breast.

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