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Hello, darlings.

OKAY SO, BEFORE YOU SAY "Aw fuck, it's an author's note, and its so bloody long" , PLEASE READ ALL OF IT!! It's really, really, really, important.

Well, as some of you might have seen on my profile, I have decided that TOMR will be coming to a close soon, this may be news to some, hence my writing of this author's note. But, if you have already seen this information on my profile, the you are not crying tears of sadness, but tears of joy since I am making a sequel to TOMR.

It will be called 'There's Only One Rose', and it will be posted fairly soon, I should think, after TOMR completed. Of course, though it may take a moment for it post... just because (I'll tell you ahead of time) I plan on leaving you hanging in the last chapter of TOMR. Sorry, loves... but that's just how it goes.

So... I'm writing for two main reasons. One, I wanted you to be aware that I'm not going to be like those writers who just write one book and ignore their readers begging and pleading for a sequel. So, I'm making a sequel, is the first reason. And the second is that I'm very torn on the plot of the story, and was wanting get you all's.... cumulative opinion so I can know what I should write.

So here's my main options as of right now:

1. My story has a sort of humorous, heartbreaking feel to it. So, what I really want to do is continue the drama, but, more so personal problems that the characters deal with, and not so much the 'endless cycle of lying and mistrust' as Alana-Rose so nicely puts it. :) So for example, in the second book, Robert and Gwyneth will be together and I will not be making Rob cheat, but maybe feel insecure because another guy is interested and have the two of them work that out. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE.

Another personal problem that I know Alana and Robert will be going through for certain is getting rid of the residue of Robert leaving Lana. But they won't fight as much.

So... I really like this option better than the next one just because I like writing dramatic things, but I will warn you: I will be adding a character death in this sequel. Not really a spoiler, but it's a warning. So, if you do LO like the dramatic side of the side story and would like for it to continue, then be aware of the fact that there WILL be a death. And you can't have your cake and eat it... if this is what you want, drama, then there will be a death.

2. So, the obvious opposite of drama is fluff. Fluff is fun and cool, but I don't really think there's anything substantial to fluff. Not really. It be fun to write, but not for a whole fan fiction. But if you think the demise of a character is too much and you just really would like this instead, than that's fine.

If the first option is chosen then I will be sure to cautious of you guys' feels and add enough fluff to cushion whatever blows are detrimental. :) I won't be that mean. Promise.

Also!! For the cover, if you have any pictures of Demi Lovato that you adore or of the wonderful RDJ or of Tom Hiddleston or even Gwyneth that you want to send me, be it through messaging or just in the comment section, I WOULD LOVE TO PUT THEM ON THE COVER!!! I want you guys to be... actively involved, I'll say... in this story.

Oh, and btw... the next chapter will be up by either tonight or tomorrow morning.

SO... RECAP!!!

1.) Sequel is in the making.

2.) Two plot options:

a. DRAMA!!! (death....)


3.) Send pictures of main characters if you have them:)

4.) Next chapter of TOMR = coming soon;)

ALRIGHTY, dears. Be sure to comment as soon as possible because I'm actually trying to write the first few chapters of There's Only One Rose while I have some free time.

Thorns On My Rose: A Story of the Daughter of Robert Downey Jr. (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now