Chapter 7 - Confrontations, Interrogations, and Confessions

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Alana-Rose's Perspective

I watched Susan frown. "What's up?"

I went to go sit on a rather comfy looking desk at the front of the room. Susan looked at me and sighed.

"I saw Duke leave." She raised an eyebrow. I played with a pen, trying to keep calm and breathe. My fingers shook.

"Did you, now?"

I smirked. "Sure as hell did." She shifted, obviously trying to play this down. I was glad she wasn't the actress in the family, 'cause slut was literally written all over her face. I clenched my fists at my sides.

Wait it out, I thought, just see what she says first.

"I thought you were in the pool." She said, pushing some of her hair behind her ear. "Rob said--"

"What was he leaving for? He seemed... flustered." I said, looking around the room. I prayed to God that Rob was somewhere far off in the house, or that he was preoccupied already with Exton or the stupid cats. The last thing I needed was him showing up while I'm doing a damn interrogation.

She shrugged smiling. "Team Downey stuff, nothing too serious."

I sat up, starting to get extremely pissed off. I crossed my arms, hoping my heart wasn't going to somehow rip through my rib cage with its incessant pounding.

“Ya know, Susan, my mom, before she died, she lied to me, about, like,tons of stuff. She lied about some serious crap." Susan blinked. "And, well, I don't know, maybe, if she'd said something about it earlier, she'd still be here." I said, looking her straight in her face.

I moved towards the bed, spreading my hands across the front of the bed. Susan was visibly trembling.

"I hope that type of... B.S. doesn't happen here. I would absolutely hate to be even more depressed than I already am."

She suddenly looked stern, squinting her eyes. "Alana, I have no idea why you're acting like this, but it's inappropriate. What's gotten into you?"

I laughed. "Oh please, Soo-san. You're talking to me, for christsake, I mean, inappropriate is like my goddamned middle name." She rolled her eyes.

"You know I don't even know why you're here. You're like a little shell, gorgeous on the outside, hollow and empty on the inside. It's sad to watch, honestly. And to think that Rob thought he could actually fix up you up, put you on some trophy shelf. Robert has no idea how to care for someone like you, but he's just so devoted, so committed! I told him this was a mistake!"

I nodded. "Mmmm... like the mistake you made by fucking Duke while Robert was gone?" I asked, bluntly. She paled.

"You were listening." I smiled.

"Hell yeah, bitch, I was listening. I mean, come on, this is me you're talking to... a girl that seems to always be getting bad news of some kind." I said, surprised by how true my statement was.

"Ya damn skippy I was listening to your little convo with Duke."

I watched as she scrambled for words. It was honestly the funniest thing I've ever seen. "Rob won't believe you." She said, her eyes watering.

"Is that why you're about to start crying? Because he won't believe me? No, I think you and I both know he will."

"I had one of his babies, Alana. I'm a grown woman, his wife. He's my husband... he will not believe you."

Thorns On My Rose: A Story of the Daughter of Robert Downey Jr. (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now