Chapter 9 - Part 4 - Lets Get Ready To Rumble!

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Robert's Perspective

   I glanced at Jamie, suddenly sick to my stomach.

   It was like one of those incredible roller coasters at an amusement park that went up really, really high, slanting upwards for what seemed like forever. But you knew, you had no doubt that in a few seconds you were gonna reach the fucking top, way up, and then be plunged down, screaming your ass off, your stomach flying up into your throat.

   I knew what was behind that door down stairs, waiting to come into my house and rip my family even further apart. And I knew that no matter how much I wanted to just divorce my non-wife and kick Duke until he was fricking black and blue, I knew that I still needed to get a goddamned grip on reality. This was happening. And it was happening right now.

   I swallowed and sighed, walking towards the stairs, hearing Jude and Jamie reluctantly follow me.

   As I jogged down the stairs, I couldn't help but think about Alana-Rose' s face when she found out that I knew. She looked completely betrayed. I had always known her to be rather blunt and pretty unemotional, but it seemed like ever since I walked through that study door in that mansion a little less than two months ago, she had been slowly letting whatever walls she had down.

   I was gonna fix this. Not for Susan, not for Duke, not even for Exton, or for Rose. But for me. Because I really didn't know what I was going to do if I lost anyone else.

   I stopped just short of the front door, reaching out to touch the brass handle, pulling back. I was shaking. Anger, fear, rage, even desperation flowing through me in the form of adrenaline.

   "Open it." I whispered. I exhaled quickly opening the door. There they were.

   Duke was looking disheveled and weary in his plain sweat pants and t shirt. His blue eyes were very distressed and I quickly clenched my fists at my side's, praying to God that I be given some form of a virtue so I wouldn't kill this man right here on my porch.

   I gave Susan a quick once-over before walking away to the family room, expecting them to follow, which they did. I looked around for Jamie, spotting him on the couch, pretending to read a magazine.

   Susan's pale face brightened when she saw Jamie, smiling. I rolled my eyes. "Jamie, how are you?" She cooed, trying her best to ignore me.

   Jamie looked up at her knowingly and then returned to his magazine.

   I looked at the two people in front of me. I sighed. "You know why I called you both here." I said softly, trying to relax.

    "Rob, I want to--" Duke started to say, letting go of Susan's hand, but I cut him off.

    "I wanna fucking skin you alive, but I'm not, am I?" I asked my voice rising. I shook my head, my blood boiling. "What the hell have you done?"

   "I am truly sorry, Robert. I didn't- didn't- I didn't want to..." I laughed out loud.

   "You didn't WANT TO? Then why the he'll did you fuck my goddamned wife, Duke? Was it rape?" I asked sarcastically. Susan blinked at me, her eyes watering.

   "Robby." She whispered. I turned on her, pointing at her tiny frame.

   "Shut the hell up. Don't speak to me." I looked away when tears started to spill down her cheeks, stepping closer to Duke. "I asked you a question."

   "No, of course it wasn't rape. We just..." He trails off, and I practically spat.

   "You just ruined my family. That's what you JUST fucking did, you bastard." I said, flatly, sitting down on an armrest. "God, why the hell, how the hell do you do that? How the hell do you talk to me everyday and joke around like you weren't just FUCKING MY WHORE OF A WIFE TWO DAYS AGO? How do you do that?"

Thorns On My Rose: A Story of the Daughter of Robert Downey Jr. (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now