Chapter 9 - Part 2 - "Extremely Discombobulated"

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Alright my lovelies. I want to thank you all for commenting and telling your thoughts. It's a wonderful feeling to know that so many people enjoy your hard work. :) It is an awesome thing. You guys are phenomenal. I hope you enjoy this next chapter. This chapter is dedicated to mrsdowney 2000 for being fricking DOWNEY-TASTIC. Love you.

- Bea x


Alex Watson's Perspective

She closed her eyes and something broke in me. I could hear the sirens in the distance.

They weren't gonna make it in time.

I felt my eyes water and I clenched my jaw. I closed my eyes, opening them quickly, shaking my head. No. She-she wasn't gonna leave me here like this... She couldn't.... She couldn't just die. This wasnt it... it didn't fucking end here. I wouldn't let her. I started to kneel by her, wincing when my broken leg twisted under me. I started to pump her chest, watching her face for a reaction. But she didn't budge. Her eyes remained shut.

"No!! You aren't off the hook, Rose. You can't give up." I yelled at her. "Making me care about you in three hours flat!!" I cried, I pumped really hard on her chest, grunting with the effort.

"With all your cursing! With all your ways of being charming even though you... even though you are really anything but charming." I smiled slightly, pumping harder. When her eyes remained closed my bottom lip trembled.

"DAMMIT, ROSE, GET UP!! Damn it!" I yelled.

I closed my eyes, whimpering. Oh, God, what had I done?

I bent down over her, crying on her broken body. I laid my hand on her stomach, shaking my head. I pulled off my jacket and wrapped it around her, sniffling. Her red brown hair blew in the breeze.

I pulled her to me, rocking her back and forth. I smoothed hair back, really looking at her.

She was so beautiful. Just. Really. Even as she lay here like this. I took off my shirt, revealing a gash in my side and used the clean parts of the shirt to wrap around her right leg that was gushing. I tied it as tight as I could but in about five seconds my yellow shirt had turned a fierce red. I frowned and wiped at some of the cuts in her face. Her forehead had a dark bruise on it, blossoming across the side of her face. I swallowed the hard lump in my throat, trying to stay awake. I felt so weak all the sudden, my energy draining from my own blood loss.

The pain in my leg was starting to numb.

"Stay awake, Alex." I said to myself.

I had the least impact. The semi' s had thrown us into a ditch next to a small creek. The car, it just, kept tumbling and rolling... I had been awake during most of the impact but Rose had hit her head on the dash board and flew straight threw the front window, onto a bit of a path that was now covering in glass. I bit my lip.

Once I recovered enough and realized what had just happened. I got up to find Rose. But I couldn't really walk without feeling like I was about to pass out. I crawled on the ground, finding the flashlight from my glove compartment, and looked for Rose. It felt like forever before I finally saw her, her eyes seeming void of anything.

"Please don't leave me, Rose." I whispered looking down at her. Her lips where pale and so was the rest of her. I rubbed her shoulders, shivering in the slight cold.

I looked at my own injuries. Just the gash in my side and a broken leg. I scoffed.

I put my cheek on her head, rocking us in the grass. The sirens were directly above us now. I looked down at Rose and tightened my grip in her.

"They're here." I said before I saw an extremely bright light and closed my eyes.


When I awake I was extremely discombobulated. I couldn't comprehend the tubes in my nose and the needle in my arm connecting me to some bag dripping liquid. I looked around the room I was in, blinking. I heard the beeping in the room increase and I felt myself start to panic.


The crash. The accident. We crashed. Rose' s brown eyes staring up at me, looking so defeated.

I gasped, struggling to sit up. A nurse appeared out of no where followed by another nurse.

I started to cry, warm tears stinging the cuts on my face.

"Sir, sir, please. Calm down, it's alright."

"Where's Rose?" I asked, looking at her confused. She pushed me back down with the help of the male nurse who was grabbing a small needle.

"It's fine sir." She answered.

"Where's Rose? Is she okay? We crashed and she was... Where'd you put Rose?" I asked, wincing when I felt a pinching in my right arm. The male nurse had stabbed me with the damn needle. 

 I felt my body relax. "Where's Rose?" I asked right before I slipped back under.

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