Chapter 9 - Just Livin'

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Alana-Rose Perspective

I left the beach at about six, my stomach being the only thing that made me get up off my ass and get in the taxi and go to the Subway up the street. John had been in his taxi for about two hours, blasting the jams of Coldplay and the Script when I got back into the car, I checked to make sure my bag was still at the front. It wasn't. I raised an eyebrow.

"Yo, Johnny boy." I said, thoughtfully. He looked at me in the rearview mirror, turning down the radio. "Where the hell is my suitcase?" He smiled.

"Calm down, miss."

"Not the answer I'm looking for."

"I checked your stuff into a little Holiday Inn about thirty minutes from here." He looked at me, pity in his eyes. "Where were you planning on sleeping for the night?"

I tried ignoring him. "You... you weren't planning on staying here were you?" He asked, turning around in his seat, disbelief in his eyes.

I shrugged, looking at my black nail polish. "Yea, um, I hadn't thought ahead. At least not that far."

He frowned. He had a kind, chiseled face, and looked handsome. He couldn't be anymore than thirty five. "I think you should go home."

"Like hell I will."

"What does that mean?" He asked, twisting around to see me.

"Nun-ya." I snapped.

"I really don't know what happened or... ya know, whatever, but I really do think you should jus--"

My head snapped up and I rolled my eyes underneath my glasses. "I think you should stop giving me fricking personal advice and take me to the damn Subway.." He sighed, and clearing his throat he turned back around before he pulled away from the curb, turning up the radio.

I leaned back in my seat, kicking myself mentally.

Why the hell had I left?

Well, because Rob was being a total dickhead, for one, and his pixie wife was a ho, which sounds legitimate enough. That's why you left, remember?

Yeah, but I I don't even have any place to sleep... I mean, In other than that Holiday Inn place. But I mean, I can't keep staying there. Im not going to have any more late movie nights with endless popcorn... ugh I frickin miss him. Damn him.

I scoffed at myself internally. WTF to that, my friend. He lied to you. Susan is lying to him and sleeping with a totally different guy and he's also lying. It's a fricking web of lies they all live in. And you, bless your little heart, are certifiably insane. Lord knows you did the right thing by leaving their crazy asses at that house because He knows, just like I know that you dint need that shit. Also you hate cats. And they had TWO cats. Double trouble.

Exton is probably missing me, I'd defended. I guess I kinda miss him. He was always a nice guy to talk to. Great listener. But then again, people who can't talk always are...

Yeah, I responded. But, you need boundaries at the moment, let Robert get his life together, fix the stuff that's broken, and he'll come back for you. Us, I mean.

I smiled. "Yeah, probably." I said out loud. John looked at me in the rearview mirror but didn't say anything.

When we finally reached Subway, I got out, went in, ordered two footlongs with Turkey, cheddar, lettuce, banana peppers and onions with a bit if Mayo, paid and then left.

I handed one of the sandwiches to John and he looked and it, confused.

"What? Did you think that I was gonna eat two fricking footlongs all by my lonesome? Hell, I can barely eat one as it is." I said, pulling my potato chips out my bag along with an ice cold Sprite. He looked at me, smiling.

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