Chapter 20 (Sneak Peek)

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Alana-Rose's Perspective

"Ugh, Alana, this is the fourth time you've watched this this week." Robert complained, rolling his eyes at the screen. I ignored him, hypnotized.

I watched as Robert's character, Tony Stark, ran alongside Chris Evans, Captain America, to save the flying airship. I don't exactly remember what it was called... but I don't think it's all that important either.... It a giant, floating ship that moves in the damn sky and turns invisible. I don't think you really have to call it anything, just explain what the hell it does.

Robert blew out a loud sigh. I stuffed more popcorn in my cheeks, devouring the fluffy buttery stuff. Robert turned towards me.

"Can we please watch something else?" He whispered. I shook my head, pointing at the screen.

"Watching. Avengers. Shut up." I said, speaking in broken sentences like a person whose first language was so not English.

"We could watch Thor--" I shook my head.

"In. Fight. With.... Tom." I said vaguely. I watched as Chris Hemsworth punched the hugely animated Hulk in the face, whooping and pumping my fist in the air like an idiot.

I didn't know what he was doing until the movie was paused and Robert was staring at me, curiosity dancing in his chocolate eyes.

"WTF, Padre." I said, furiously chewing my popcorn. "Why are you being so rude?"

He laughed. "Look who's talking..." I opened my mouth filled of half-chewed food and then closed it, swallowing.

"Touche, ass." I muttered. He ears perked up.

"Come again, dear?" I shook my head.

"Nothing." I said, trying to grab the remote. Robert shoved it behind his back. He smiled.

"Now that I have your undivided attention. What's this with you and Hiddleston?" I rolled my eyes.

Jesus. Why was Robert always so involved in my personal life. I swear he'd think I was six instead of sixteen. I mean, just goshdarn it. The man would never leave me the hell alone.

"You know, Padre, I don't really think you understand that I exist outside of our conversations.... and our arguments.... and well, everything else we do together." He smirked.

"Lana, you're stalling." I ignored him, leaning back Into the couch.

"You know, I actually think I heard somewhere that it's actually better for parents NOT to invade and ask stupid questions about a kids social life, since it really is none. Of. Their. Business."

"Rose." I throw up my hands in surrender.

"Alright, damn you." I suddenly became very interested in my black nail polish. "As you know, Tom and I officially best friends now."

Robert raised an eyebrow. "No, I, um actually didn't know that." He frowned. "Lana--what about Alex?"

I tensed. I closed my eyes and then opened them. "You're interrupting me, Downey." I said through clenched teeth. I did not, at all, want to talk about Alex.

"Alright." Robert said, his own suspicions definitely raising. He kept himself, however and only said "Alright, continue."

I nodded, trying to calm down. "Well, we went to Yougurt Berry for our 'outting of the week'" Robert snickered and I glared at him. He placed a hand over his mouth and then nodded for me to continue.

"Anyway. Tom and I were talking about how paper really shouldn't beat rock, for obvious physical reasons, and then... SHE called, and he left me there, claiming it was a fucking family emergency."

Thorns On My Rose: A Story of the Daughter of Robert Downey Jr. (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now