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Sweat beaded on my forehead as I ran. I forced my legs to pump harder even though they screamed going faster wasn't an option. I needed to get away. I needed to run faster. The farther I ran the more time I had to think this through. My lungs begged me to slow down but I ignored them as I kept running.

I kept running the same thought through my mind. Why me. Why did this have to happen to me. I always did everything right, I never broke the rules or took the easy route. What did I do to deserve this. To be humiliated in front of everyone.

My running slowed down as I made it to my house. I had ran 5 miles from my school all the way back to my house. I put my hand on my chest and struggled to breath as I thought back to what had just happened.

I remembered the sound of my lunch tray crashing to the floor as I witnessed my boyfriend, ex boyfriend now, locking lips with his ex girlfriend. A pain shot through my heart and my head began to spin. The whole room was very quiet as everyone turned their heads from me to them.

Soon Josh, my ex boyfriend, realized the room was strangely quiet and pulled away. His eyes grew 10 time larger as he saw me standing there with my mouth hanging open.

"Emily! Its not what you think!" He said taking his hands off her waist. The stupid red haired bimbo slowly turned around licking her very pink lips. She smirked in my direction before turning to Josh and saying in an overly sweet voice," Now that the secrets out you might as well just tell her."

I glared at her back as she reached for Josh's hand. I could not believe this was happening. How could Josh do this to me. We had been dating for 3 and a half years. All of high school. We were the cutest couple and now we were nothing.

"Emily say something." Josh pleaded pulling his hand away from Hannah's and beginning to walk over to me. I couldn't even utter a word so I just did what I do best in situations I don't want to deal with. I ran. I spun around as fast as I could and sprinted out the cafeteria. I ran past all the strange looks and whispering. I ran right out the front doors ignoring the teachers demanding me to stop.

Now I stood in front of my 3 story house sweaty and heart broken. I quickly walked up the drive way and used the spare key to get inside. In all the commotion I forgot I had driven to school. I had run all the way home and left my car at school. I quickly made my way inside the quiet house and ran upstairs.

Both my parents were at work so I was free to be alone without being questioned. I curled into a ball on my queen sized bed and broke down. I cried so hard I thought I might puke. It was an awful snotty screaming cry. My throat would definitely be sore and I could already feel a headache forming. I tried to ignore that and continued to cry my pain away. The more I cried the worse I felt. I thought he loved me. If someone loves you they wouldn't hurt you like that. I cried for probably 2 hours before I ran out of tears and was just left desperately trying to breath.

My phone kept chimming but I was determined to ignore it. I knew it was just my friends asking what happened, if I was okay and where I went. I didn't feel like being questioned, I just wanted to be comforted. I needed someone to hold me and tell me everything would be okay. I needed someone to say I was strong enough to forget him and that I could be happy. I sat up in my bed and brought my knees to my chest as I glared at the picture in my dresser.

It was a picture of me and Josh. A cute candid from a football game last year of me wearing his jersey and Josh holding me bridal style. We were both laughing wearing big smiles as we looked at each other. I quickly got off my bed and threw the picture against the wall. A small smile came over my face at the sound of the glass shattering. It felt good to destroy something that reminded me of him. I began to collect every picture we had ever taken and formed it into a small pile on my bed.

I scooped all the pictures into my arms and carried them downstairs to the living room. I threw them into the fire place and then threw a match on top. I grinned as the pictures glowed brightly. The fire quickly ate them and soon they were all ashes. It felt good. I felt like I had successfully ended our relationship and I had a clean slate.

I made my way back upstairs to take a shower before my parents got home. I washed away all the dirt and sadness from today with my strawberry scented body wash. After getting out the shower I pulled my long dark brown hair into a messy bun and slipped on leggings and a long sleeve tshirt. I slipped on my Nike running shoes and went back downstairs after grabbing my phone.

I wanted to go get my car before school got out and I would be forced to face my peers

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I wanted to go get my car before school got out and I would be forced to face my peers.

As I walked to school I checked my many messages. All of them were a form of asking me if I was okay and where I ran to. I quickly sent out a generic 'I'm fine just needed to clear my head' message before putting my phone away and thinking about what had happened.

Josh was such a jerk. He kissed another girl while we were dating, and it was right in front of me. Who would have the audacity to do that.

Soon I arrived at the school. My heart dropped to my stomach as I saw students flooding out the building. I cursed as I checked my phone. I forgot Fridays are early dismissals. I debated turning around and just getting my car tomorrow but then realized I shouldn't be ashamed to be here. I'm the victim here. Josh should be the ashamed one. I held my head high(ish) as I made my way through the parking lot. I ignored the strange looks as I found my red mustang rocket.

"EM!" a voice shouted. I turned around to see Josh standing very close to me with anger in his eyes. Was he pissed at me when he's the one that was wrong!?

"What the hell is wrong with you! Why did you leave me there looking stupid? Do you know I got mean glares from pretty much everyone all day as if I'm the bad guy? What have you been telling people! Why won't you answer me!?" He screamed. His face becoming redder by the second. I was beyond mad. How could he try to play the victim here? He embarrassed me! I was so lost for words I did the one thing that would speak a thousand. I slapped him. I took my hand and brought it to his face with as much force as I could muster. He grabbed his jaw and gave me a surprised look before quickly replacing it with rage. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"You fucking prick. You are the biggest asshat I've ever met! How dare you try to turn this on me! This is all your fault, you're the one who cheated on me! And to make it worse it was fucking Hannah Smith. The stupid bitch you know I can't stand! Now you're standing here blaming me? No. You don't get to point fingers when I've done nothing wrong. You go and crawl back to that STD carrying whore because we're done. Don't you ever talk to me again." I screamed. I felt tears threaten to fall so I quickly turned away and got in my car before speeding away. I don't think I've ever been more pissed then right now. But I have to admit telling him off made me feel pretty good.

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