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I woke up Saturday morning to 3 texts. One from Josh complaining that I'm such a selfish bitch and must be out to ruin him. The second is from my best friend Amber making sure I'm alright after everything that happened yesterday. The third message was the only one I cared about. It was from Luke. He was asking to maybe hang out today if I was available. I smiled at that text for a good 5 minutes before replying "of course :)". After checking my phone I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for the day. I quickly showered and brushed out my long brown hair. I applied a small amount of makeup including mascara a little cover up and lip gloss.

There was a small chill in the air so I decided to wear my cozy cardigan with a white tank top and maroon printed shorts paired with my white converse. I wanted to make sure I looked good for Luke because I did not look my best yesterday.

I quickly hurried downstairs to make some coffee

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I quickly hurried downstairs to make some coffee. I would eat breakfast but Luke wanted to take me out for breakfast. He said he'd be here in 30 min. which is why I'm rushing. I quickly made a small cup of coffee adding 10 sugars and 3 creams. Neither of my parents were awake yet so I left a post it on the fridge that I was going out to breakfast with a friend and would see them later today.

Soon I got a text from Luke that he was outside so I grabbed my purse and left. Luke was leaning against his Lexus rc 350 f sport car when I got outside. He was already smiling at me so I smiled back.

 He was already smiling at me so I smiled back

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"Well hello beautiful." He winked. I blushed at his comment.

"Hey." I said with a smile. He opened the car door for me before getting in on the drivers side.

"So where to?" I asked as he backed out my drive way. A smirk played on his lips before he responded.

"Its a surprise but I think you'll like it." He said turning left. I laughed at how cliche an answer that was.

I took the time while he was driving to take in his appearance. He wore khaki pants with a gray under amour sweatshirt. He wasn't wearing a hat today so I was able to see all his curly brown hair. He was so hot it was almost unbelievable.

"You know I may be driving but I can tell you're staring at me." He laughed. I immediately looked out my window trying to hide my blush.

"I have no idea what your taking about." I said as clueless as I could.

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