Chapter O6.

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February ended quickly, and March came sooner than expected. Although there weren't flowers blooming around every corner, you could distinguish a temperature change here in Beacon Hills. The sun stayed in the sky longer and spring equinox was only a few days away. Last month was a month to remember to say the least. Everything bad that could have happened, happened. This year is turning out to be a bad one, and it's barely even three months in the making.

I stood alongside my classmates as we watch two students climb up a rock wall that was set up in the middle of the gym. It was only once a year when the school put up the wall, and Coach Finstock seemed way too eager to make good use of it. I was standing next to Lydia in my gym clothes complaining. "I just hate gym class." I exaggerated to her, crossing my arms as I watch the couple make it to the top of the wall.

"Who doesn't?"

I shrug my shoulders watching as Scott and Allison began to hook themselves up to the tethers. Across the gym, I notice a set of eyes watching me. Internally I sigh, as I watch Stiles rapidly wave his arms in the air gesturing for me to walk over. Stiles being Stiles, I knew he wouldn't stop until I either walked over, or he came over to bother me. "I'll be right back," I told Lydia, before making my way over towards him.

"What?" I queried. Ever since that night at the station, Stiles has been nagging me about it.

"So," he began in a hushed tone, "How's your head?"

Of course, he'd ask me that. I don't think he meant to offend me, but it had. Every chance he got, he'd come ask me if I was feeling better or could remember anything from a week ago. Which I didn't. I didn't want to remind myself of what I did to myself. It had been years since I felt my heart like that. The feeling of hyperventilating was something I only thought I'd feel when I was younger, but it still lingered around, unwanted inside of me.

"Yes I feel better," I explained for the fifth time since it happened. "And before you ask, no I don't remember anything.

He nodded his head. "So the last thing you remember is--" he urged me to continue.

The other night—the night I went to give my statement about Isaac Lahey in the sheriff's department—there was a robbery/kidnapping in the progress. That night, one of the deputy's went rogue and tried to kidnap Stiles. In an effort to get someone's attention, Stiles pulled the fire alarm. Once I heard the fire alarm, I followed the exit signs until I found Stiles who was sprawled across the floor. I tripped over his body, hit my head, and now I can't remember anything that happened after that. Stiles said the deputy was killed that night after I passed out, and afterward, he carried me out of the building, that's when I woke up sitting inside an ambulance. I was also told that Isaac ran away that night and hasn't been seen.

At this point, I was getting extremely irritated with him. I'm not the type to show annoyance with others, so I don't think he knew he was getting on my nerves. But the way he kept asking me about it, almost seemed as if something more happened that night, and he doesn't want me to know about it. Like him carrying me seems unlikely. Stiles could barely finish a lacrosse practice, the likelihood of him carrying me seemed unlikely. Not that I weighed a lot, but still, its Stiles we're talking about. "The last thing I remember is tripping over your body, ten minutes later I find myself waking up in the back of an ambulance. The rest is all a blur."

Stiles was going to say something else, but suddenly, Scott lost balance and dropped from the wall. The tether held him inches above the ground, but the slack caught up to him and he fell the final few inches to the floor. Coach Finstock crouched down beside Scott's fallen body. "McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy. Right?" He begins chuckling at his own joke. "All right, next two. Stilinski, Erica, let's go. The wall."

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