Chapter 17.

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Chapter 17

Then I pressed his mouth to mine, and everything about it was perfect.

Isaac automatically kisses me back and moves his hands to my sides. Luckily his claws weren't out, because he moved his hands to my hips and dug in pulling me closer. This one hand slides up my side to cup my cheek and close the final gap between us. He tilts my head slightly so our lips were fully connected in every way.

There was nothing sane about the way we moved with each other. We kissed each other hungrily like we had been deprived of each other our entire lives; and in a way that's how it was. I shivered when I feel his tongue run across bottom lip, and as he squeezed my hip, I moaned slightly and my mouth was left ajar. Unintentionally, my one hand trail up and end up intertwined in his curly hair, which the other clutches the t-shirt slipping out from under his leather jacket.

Everything about Isaac had my stomach twisting, but in an extremely good way. Unlike last time, I wasn't hesitant at first, and he didn't stop halfway through. And as he pushed me against the wall, his knee between my legs, we flush together our mouths continuously molding each others.

We split for air, and I glanced at his eyes still blazing gold. I could feel his claws slowly extending, but not fully out as the one dug into my hip, the other against my shoulder. I didn't know whether or not continuing on would be a good idea for him, the fear of him wolfing out was still in the back of my mind. But now, unlike several weeks ago, I could say I knew the real Isaac Lahey, and I knew he would never hurt me intentionally. So when I was suddenly enthralled back by him, I didn't falter and pressed my lips harder to his.

Isaac suddenly wrapped his hand around my butt and picks me up, and pressed me against the wall. I was extremely surprised by his behavior. I looked up I noticed the golden shimmer in his eyes, before he continued to kiss me. I didn't mind, I had wanted Isaac to kiss me ever since that night we laid helplessly in the school. Heck every girl dreams of a guy to sweep them off of their feet and kiss them. And if Isaac literally want to make that happen as he picked me up in the janitors closet, who was I to stop him.

As I slid against the wall, my cardigan slid off of my of shoulder as Isaac made his way down my neck. We might have been moving too fast, but there was nothing more I wanted than to make out with Isaac in this closet right now.

I closed my eyes, as I felt his teeth graze against my neck. I moved like putty in his hands, as he worked his lips against my neck. I was so distracted and enthralled in everything involving Isaac, that I hadn't even taken notice the door wide open. I gasped and banged my head on the concrete wall behind me. Isaac immediately let go of my legs, and sadly I dropped pitifully to the floor with a thud. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," he whispered after he dropped me. My butt throbbed immensely, but that wasn't my main priority at the moment.

Utterly embarrassed, I look up sheepishly from the floor and was greeted with a familiar stone face. "Miss Māhealani, Mr. Lahey, I would ask what you to were doing outside of class, but I think that answer's obvious." The principal, Mr. Argent, or Allison's grandfather, said as he held the door wide open. It was embarrassing to as the least, especially since I was such close friends with Allison. She had even texted me asking if I wanted to go over to her house after school to study for our World History midterm with Lydia. I wasn't one to back out of plans, as I had already replied with a yes, but after this little exhibit with Isaac in front of her grandfather who just so happened to be staying at her house, I would soon be texting her that I couldn't anymore. It was even more embarrassing when I noticed a janitor and an on school officer standing outside the door.

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