Chapter 18.

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My mouth hung open as my mom turned right into our driveway and parked the car outside of the garage. "Jamie," my mom asked pulling the keys from the car.

"Yes mom," I fretted.

"Who is that?" She turned in her seat to look at me.

"Uhh... It's just a friend. And, um... we have something we need to talk about for school," I stuttered. "Alone," I quickly add in. My mom just keep staring between me and Isaac, who had moved near the opening of the garage door. Danny, like his cheeky usual self, kept grinning like a maniac. "So you know just leave us alone, please." The way the two were staring at me had me fidgeting in my seat, so quickly I flung open the car door covering my neck with my hand and grab my backpack before sliding out.

"Hi Jamie," Isaac smiled as I walked closer. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, standing a few feet back in the driveway. Briskly, I walk over to Isaac and grab his hand. "I'm sorry came here a little earlier, I didn't know-- okay then," he said as I pulled him through the garage and into the backdoor. I had to admit, he looked super cute, but right now I didn't want to be bombarded with questions from neither my mom or Danny, so I quickly tugged Isaac behind the stairs up to my bedroom.

I tug him into my bedroom and lock the door behind us. Again I didn't want anyone or anything, supernatural or not, to bother us. So even if closing the door didn't stop a werewolf, or a kani-something, or the key my dad had made downstairs, locking the door gave us the feeling of being alone.

I run my fingers through my hair and let out a puff of air I didn't even know I was holding. Isaac was looking at me oddly now, and I wasn't exactly sure what to say. "I'm sorry about that. It was probably really weird of me," I admitted sitting down on my bed across the room.

"No, no, it wasn't weird at all. I would have climbed into your room if I would have know you would be with Danny, and" he guessed. He obviously knows Danny from lacrosse, so he didn't have to guess about him. My mother on the other hand, he must have had no idea who she was. Maybe he's seen her at games, but other than that she was a new face.

I nodded, "Yeah, that was my mom. And maybe I would be driving alone, but my car was wreck by someone," I accused. "I wonder what or who would have done that." I glared at Isaac who was still standing near the door. He had leaned himself casually against the door, and frowned slightly when I brought up the fact that he ruined my car.

"Look Jamie, your car was an accident--"

"An accident! You literally put giant, and I'm taking huge, claw marks on my trunk! And what about my wall that had more claw marks in it! I had to fill it was plaster the other day." I exclaimed.

Isaac groaned loudly. He pulled my the swivel chair from under my desk and turned it around and sat on it backwards. "Look, you know it was an accident Jamie. I... the whole "control" thing is still new to me. Plus, we had that fight and you yelled at me, and I couldn't calm down without your... you just forget it--"

I cut him off, "That's not just something someone forgets. I mean you literally destroyed my car! I might have to get a new one now." I tried to stay calm, but I was just getting angrier.

He ran his palms over his eyelids, and cover his face with his hands. "I really don't want to talk about that right now, because it seems like every time were alone, we always end up arguing, and I do anything for us not to argue right now." He rolled over closer to me, and grabbed my hand that was limply laying in my lap. Isaac wrapped is large hand around mine and intertwined our fingers. My heart started racing at the simple touch

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