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Danny sat backwards in the swivel chair with me in the hospital the next day. I watched in amusement as he turned around in circles successfully entertaining me in the hospital bed. It had been a long night and didn't just end with a trip to the ER. Then earlier this morning, a small surgery to ensure my ulna would properly aligned before casting. The doctor describe it to me as a displaced fracture. Basically, when I fell to the ground by putting all my weight onto my right arm it snapped.

Last night Stiles drove me to the hospital after apologizing for driving through the wall. He then joked the at least he didn't drive a few more feet to the right, which didn't make me feel any better and he apologized yet again. But I easily forgave him, it was Stiles after all. The car ride to the hospital gave us just enough time to come up with my cover story— My mom, dad, and Danny came as soon as I had Isaac call them on my phone late last night around twelve.

I had entered the hospital around late eleven o'clock last night and it had been in here for about twelve almost thirteen hours now. They had my arm in a temporary cast for the time being, until the could do a proper x-ray to examine the bones and to make sure that they properly relined the bones in my arm.

"You're going to make me sick spinning like that Danny," I joked as he spun rapidly around and round in the chair.

"That's the whole point," he laughed as he continued to spin. For a moment, he stopped spinning and glanced over at Isaac who was sleeping on a plastic couch on the other side of the waiting room. "Do you ever feel like there's something off here Jamie?" Danny asked peculiarly. I felt my heart skip a beat as I watched him eye my closely. "It's just... lately I feel you've been keep stuff from me."

I didn't meet his eyes, instead looked off behind his head. "All the time," I said softly glancing at Isaac from over his shoulder.

He was silent for a minute, still before the tension broke and he began spinning around in his chair again. "Danny!" I whined as he moved faster and faster until he almost hit the wall behind him. I began laughing loudly until I remembered who else was in the room. I glanced over to the couch that was set up by the window and smiled when I saw Isaac knocked out across it. He was so tall his feet dangled off the end of it, but it was adorable nonetheless.

"If you don't stop spinning this instant Danny," my mother scolded as she walk in beside my father. The two had been here all night along with Danny. They had been moving in and out of rooms, sleeping in lobbies, and been by my side most of the night. About an hour ago the Ms. McCall came in and informed them that I would be leaving this afternoon as soon as they we're able to equip me with the proper casting. So the two went home to grab me some clean clothing.

Danny groaned, but stopped sitting in the chair and moved to sit on the end of my bed so our mother could sit in the chair. She put her purse along with plastic bag down over on the table in the corner while my dad placed the food he had bought down beside it.

"I can't believe that cute boy has been here all night with you Jamie," my mother gushed. "It's so sweet and romantic. Did he finally fall asleep after we left?"

I blushed looking over at Isaac who was still asleep comfortably in the chair. He had been awake all night and with me whenever he could be. Isaac had been awake since early yesterday morning and had a lacrosse game, and had been fighting all night so the giant bags under his eyes finally got to me, and I forced him to lay down. Reluctantly he did, and talked to Danny and I until he fell asleep five minutes later.

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