Chapter 24.

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Chapter 24

Friday morning was a nightmare. After I left Lydia's party on Wednesday, I went home. I was the lucky one unlike everyone else. Allison's mother committed suicide last night. Allison wasn't even the one to tell me, so I couldn't exactly ask what had happened, but I knew that I couldn't bring that kind of question up around Allison even if I texted or called her. Right now, I could only presume she wanted to be alone with her family and grieve. Not only that, but after the party Scott and Stiles went to the sheriff's station tell Stiles' dad that they knew Matt was behind all the mysterious killings around town. In a turn for the worse, Matt showed up and held all three hostage while forcing them to destroy all the evidence against the recent murders. Then apparently Derek showed up and him as well as Stiles when paralyzed by Jackson. This is the part of the story when Stiles then explained to me how awkward it was laying on Derek's chest before he was pushed off by Matt. If the situation couldn't get any worse from here—well this is Beacon Hills, so it was possible—Melissa, Scott's mom, showed up at the station to. To sum up the rest of their evening Scott got shot; Melissa and the Sheriff where locked up; then the Argents came in basically shot the place up, along with a vengeful Allison; Melissa saw the kanima Jackson, Derek, and Scott, fighting and found out the Scott was a werewolf; then Gerard drowned Matt in a small stream behind the sheriff's station.

Currently, I was sitting in the back of history class whispering to Isaac about the other night. He didn't come to school yesterday because Derek wanted him, Boyd, and Erica, back at their abandoned warehouse after the Argents when crazy on Wednesday. Today, we had to work on a worksheet, but it was so easy it only took a few minutes. The class wasn't very full so it was easy to talk and not have anyone over hear us in the back. "And Scott said that when Matt was younger that the swim team your dad coached back in like 2006 or something. Said something about the team just winning the state, and your dad inviting them over and letting them drink or something."

"I remember that night, he was going to trade action figures with me." Isaac answered.

I smiled cheekily, "Trading dolls? Really?"

He scoffed quietly. "They were action figures," he defended quietly.

"Danny never played with that kind of stuff."

"Danny's gay," Isaac pointed out.

I scoffed playfully, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Isaac gave me a knowing look and I shrugged knowing what he meant. Danny was a different child after all. "But anyway, Matt apparently heard the music and went over to the party and your brother, Camden, threw him in the pool."

"I don't remember that happening," Isaac mentioned.

"Was it before or after your doll trade? That might have made a difference if you would have payed any attention or not," I joked lightly.

He gave me a blank look. "Ha ha Jamie, very funny. But if Camden did throw Matt in, it wouldn't have been out of his character. He did that to me all the time when I was younger and he was still alive," he ended in a frown.

I frowned slightly with him and grabbed his hand and held it low so the teacher couldn't see, and squeezed it gently before letting go. He smiled slightly and I continued. "You know by now that he couldn't swim so he started drowning. Your dad pulled him out and threatened him not to tell anyone."

"Wait so why did Matt try to kill those other people?" Isaac questioned.

"The mechanic, the club lady, those campers, your dad, and those others were all at the party that night and none of them helped him out of the pool. That's why he had Jackson go all kanima crazy on their asses and kill them."

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