Chapter 2O.

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Chapter 20

Under Jackson's kanima claws, I trembled as he held my throat against the wall. What else was I supposed to do? It's not like I had any leverage against Jackson, like super strength or super speed. Jackson was right when he said I was a lost cause. How was I supposed to survive in this supernatural world when I could barely survive the real world? Compared to someone like Jackson, or Isaac, or Scott, I was at the bottom of the food chain.

Terrified I looked over at Allison who face to face with Jackson. Menacingly, he dragged his claw down her check caressing Allison's face. Not to mention he was still naked, which made everything just ten times more delightful. "I just hope your dad has been teaching you moves to protect yourself," he mocked her like a child.

"Actually," Allison replied softly. "He has." All of a sudden, her left hand snapped up and wrapped around Jackson's wrist that had been holding my neck hostage. She didn't knock him off well enough, as Jackson grabbed my hand as he went to fall down. My body was forced faster than I could react, and I was sent tumbling down to the ground under Jackson, knocking my head down in the process.

I screamed out in pain, from the back of my head hitting the concrete. I screamed even louder at the fact that Jackson Whittlemore was naked on top of me. I think that was worse than the throbbing pain in the back of my head. From underneath Jackson, I watch as he was knocked up side of the head with realization. "Ja-Ja-Jamie? What are you doing here?" Jackson stuttered and he scrambled to get off of me, and I scrambled to get out from underneath him. Allison watched with wide eyes as she rubbed the back of her head while leaning against the closest wall.

Jackson struggled to stand up and pull on the closest pair off shorts, and I scooted back beside Allison. I was shocked to say the least. What happened to him? This seemed like the Jackson I knew, not the one Allison and I faced only seconds ago. The locker room door suddenly swung open and I was shocked to see Isaac standing there all wide eyed and shocked. It was explainable, I mean, Jackson still hadn't finished putting on his shorts. "I'm fine... We're fine, Isaac," I tried reasoning with him while stuttering.

Isaac just glared at Jackson, before storming in and shoving him hard enough that Jackson flew several feet through the air until he collided with the nearest set of lockers. My mouth hung open in shock at the pure force Isaac had and watched as several sets of lockers came crashing down.

"Will you ever leave me the hell alone!" Jackson hissed cruelly at Isaac as he looked up at him from the ground.

"Definitely not now, when your naked with my girlfriend in the room," he growled.

Jackson jumped up from his spot and charged at Isaac and lifted him up cramming him hard against the metal open lockers rattling them. He then grabbed Isaac by his t-shirt and flung him across into the shower stall. Jackson then strutted into the showers, to where I couldn't seem them fight anymore.

My heart was racing as I tried to stand up and go after them, but Allison pulled me back down. "Don't get into. Leave them be," she reprimanded.

"But Allison. I hear title cracking in there. What if he's hurt?" I begged.

"He'll only get himself more hurt if your in there to Jamie," she put in. In a hurried voice she said, "I'll text Scott."

I watched in horror as Jackson strided out of the shower stall. He started walking out towards us, but I gasped as I watched Isaac swing his body over the top of the stall and crash down into Jackson's back forcing him down sliding across the floor. Angrily, Jackson went for a forty-five pound weight and chucked it like a frisbee towards Isaac. Isaac luckily caught the weight right before it slammed into his chest, but while he was distracted Jackson smashed him into a towel dispenser and the weight clattered to the ground harshly. Jackson aggressively thrusted Isaac into a sink, smashing it in the process.

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