Chapter 19.

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Chapter 19

I walked out side and was surprisingly delighted by the weather. It was March so it was definitely warming up outside, especially in Southern California. Today I planned to take full advantage of the weather and wore a I had recently bought at Macy's. Also today our insurance would also reimburse me for the damage Isaac did to my car, I had a world history and a chemistry midterm, Danny would be going back to school, and everyone would officially know Isaac and I were a thing; and it's only Monday.

Friday night was definitely something. My mom went on and on about Isaac. She even went as far as telling me, "I know your dad's not the brightest so it's easy to hide that giant hickey from him, but you really need to work on your makeup skills." It was hard for me to look my mother in the face all weekend. Nonetheless she helped me cover what was left of it before school this morning.

Danny's car is still in the parking garage, and my car was officially being taken to the car lot today, so we had our dad drop us off. This afternoon luckily, Danny said he would have someone from the team drop him off at his car, and Lydia offered me a ride home, so we were both set. She also offered my rides whenever Danny had early practice or had to stay after school. It wouldn't last too long, since I would be starting my search for a new car this afternoon.

At school, I had spent the first half of my day looking for Isaac, but by free period I realized he hadn't even come. I was really looking forward to seeing him today, yet I didn't let it show as I talked with Allison as we walked towards the library. She asked me for my help so she could talk to Scott without being caught by the security cameras he grandfather installed. As we walked in, I couldn't help for my eyes to flicker at the bulky security camera in the corner as it seemed to stare right at us.

We walked down a fiction aisle in the library, taking shelter from the security camera. It looked normal, enough that the actions wouldn't be accounted as suspicious by her grandfather, Principal Argent. Allison lifted the flap to her purse and suddenly pulled out a tablet, that she slide between the bookshelves to Scott who was just an aisle over. "It's everything Lydia can translate," Allison whispered in a hushed voice low enough for Scott to hear effortlessly with his heightened hearing. "And trust me, she was very confused."

I wasn't informed all too much about the information held on the tablet, in fact it seemed that I was still missing a few pieces to this whole supernatural ordeal, and I was getting kind of irritated with knowing so little. Allison did tell me it was a book called the bestiary? It was a book she stole from her grandfather that had more information on the kanima and other magical creatures. If it wasn't in some random language, I would be reading that book front to back to get some enlightenment on the whole "supernatural" thing.

"Yeah, what'd you tell her?" Scott asked. Lydia, sadly, was still left in the dark in the whole supernatural kanima thing, and right now I felt really bad about it. I mean it's not my secret to tell, plus I don't even know all about it so how could I be the one to tell her?

"That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," Allison answered and I accidentally snorted a laugh.

Allison turned to look at me. "Really?" I questioned. "That's what you came up with? An online gaming world, seriously?"

"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," another voice answered. I leaned over to look through the hole on the shelf, and saw Stiles standing next to Scott hold an open book in this hands. When he saw me looking, he waved.

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