Chapter 23.

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Chapter 23

It was the day before the big day. For once the I would enjoy a night that wouldn't be focused on werewolves, kanima's, and anything supernatural, for me at least. Tomorrow was Lydia's night. Ever since I was pulled into this supernatural loop, Lydia has unawaringly been pushed to the side. This afternoon I had full intentions of spending time with her, I mean tomorrow was her birthday after all. And as an obligated best friend, I would be there from beginning to end. So the second school let out today, Lydia and I hit up the big Macy's in the mall two towns over. While I only spent only about fifty dollars on my dress, Lydia had other intentions, and spent at least three hundred dollars on several different outfits she planned on changing into during the night. We invited Allison, but she said she her parents wanted her in tonight, so we told her we would bring the fun to her tonight, which ended up being about four hours later.

Lydia was finally pulled into her driveway and we both got out and walked to the door holding several shopping bags. In her hands, Lydia held three over-sized Macy's bags, while I held only two, the one bag actually being mine the other was filled with several pairs of shoes and accessories Lydia had bought today. We walked up Allison's driveway and knocked on the front door. I turned around and glanced at the almost full moon behind me. Although tonight was cloudy, the moon was still visible between the clouds. Nervously, I rubbed my hands together and thought about tomorrow. Isaac was supposed to be my date to Lydia's party, but Derek told him that he couldn't since he wasn't in full control of his wolf on full moons yet. I was really sad about that, but Isaac assured me it was for the better and safety of others.

I can't imagine Isaac on a full moon without remembering what he was like back at the sheriff's station a little while ago. Although I really did like Isaac, it's hard for me to picture seeing him like that on a full moon, out of control. It was something that scarred me slightly, but I would never admit that to him, I think it would hurt him to much. That night at the station though, he stopped himself from attacking me, but what are the chances of that happening again?

I didn't even notice the front door open to Mr. Argent, Allison's grandfather. "Hello girls. Allison told us to look for you tonight," he said.

"We have to finish planning my party for tomorrow night," Lydia smiled cheerfully, clueless to the mystery behind Gerard.

Mr. Argent chuckled. "Well I assume you both know the way to her room."

We both nodded and he let us into the house, but my eye was still caught on the rising moon. "The moon is very interesting tonight, isn't it Miss Māhealani?"

I nodded, "Yes it is sir."

"Interesting you say that. Did you know tomorrow night will be a full moon?" he asked with a twinkle in his eye.

I nodded again, "Yes I did sir." I was trying to be respectful to him. Not only was he my friend's grandfather, but also the principal at school. Although I was cautious around him. Isaac told me about the Argent's begin full of supernatural hunters, and I didn't want any of them knowing that I knew about that. Who knows if they would come after me for what I knew.

"Be careful tomorrow tonight Miss Māhealani. They say on full moons all the crazy people come out. Did you know, it's actually where they came up with the word lunatic," he confirmed.

From behind Mr. Argent I could see Lydia give me a weird look, but I ignored it and answered. "No I did not sir."

Mr. Argent chuckled. "Just be careful. Certain people are more dangerous than others on full moons."

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