Chapter 1O.

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I shivered as my feet touched the cold hardwood floors that ran throughout the entire house. Softly, I padded down the stairs and followed the sound of the kitchen radio playing softly. It was Monday morning, so Danny and I were left alone in the house as out parents had already left for work. I was in the mood for my dad's blueberry pancakes like I had had for the past few mornings, but I was disappointed knowing he wasn't down there laboring away over a butter covered pan. But I smiled when I saw Danny scarfing down a bowl of cereal. When he noticed me he smiled back, his mouth full of cheerios.

Danny continued to eat, while I poured my own bowl for breakfast. I slide in the bar stool next to him and began eating quietly. "I didn't hear you at all last night," he said cautiously.

"Yeah, I guess I so," I finish the conversation. I didn't particularly want to talk about it anymore than I had to, and the fact that everyone keeps reminding me makes me feel even worse. It brought this sick twisted feeling inside I just couldn't shake off.

He could tell I was done talking about it so he changed the topic, telling me that I would have to drive myself since there was going to practice. I replied saying I was leaving early, I also told him that I would be stopping at the gas station so if he wanted coffee or something, he should tell me before I came back down. I then proceeded to climb the stairwell back to my bedroom. I took a deep breath entering my room. Usually, I would be glad to have alone time, but sadly, it terrified me now. After the other night, I couldn't stand to be alone.

My room was still tidy from my cleaning parade I had the other day, but the only thing that had changed was were I had place my chair. It had moved from one corner of my room to the other, covering the end of the window. A throw blanket was tossed oddly over the back, as well as the curtain being fulled closed, and both my windows covered and locked. I know it wouldn't stop him if he decided he want to get in, but I gave me some sense of security.

Slowly, I pulled on my  and slipped into my sandals, then I grabbed my backpack. I glanced back at my chair and towards my window, before turning out of my room, shutting the door behind me. Going back down stairs, I grabbed my lunch, which my lovely mother had packed the night before, from the fridge along with my filled water bottle. I took the family gas card and my keys from the mudroom off of the back porch.

"Hey Jamie, do you think you could just get me a pack of starbursts and a bottle of either pepsi or dr. pepper, something like that?" Danny called out to me as he rinsed his bowl in the sink.

"Yeah, anything else?"

"If I know you well enough—which I do—you're going to stop at that one gas station that's connected to the donut shop, so when you go pick me up something."

"What makes you say that I'm stopping there? There are plenty of other gas stations in town," I joke.

"One, I know you too well; two because you barely ate anything for breakfast; and finally, because your leaving twenty minutes earlier than you usually do," he lists.

I groan loudly, "Okay, maybe I am going there."

Danny smirked, "I knew it."

"Whatever now, I'm leaving," I smile closing the back door behind me. I climbed in tossing my backpack, wristlet, lunch bag, and everything else into the passenger seat. Before I pulled out I threw a jacket in the backseat of my car, just in case the temperatures dropped and I was still out. Picking up my phone, I text my mom and Lydia. My mom informing her I just left for school with, and Lydia asking her if she wanted anything before I arrived. My phone went into the cup holder, before I backed out of the driveway and headed the opposite direction of school.

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