Chapter 21.

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This afternoon was horrible, terrible in fact. I mean with everything that happened today, today could definitely be considered awful. When I got home I just wanted for today to be over. I was exhausted, agitated, and hungry; yet when Danny came into my bedroom, dragged me down to his car, and drove us to some underground show to buy tickets, I didn't resisted. Now here I am, at nine o'clock at night with Danny standing on line waiting for these "too good to pass up" tickets to a rave going on sometime this week.

"Why am I even here again?" I complained.

Danny sighed defeatedly, "Because Jamie, this is supposed to be awesome!--" He went on about how cool it would be, but I zoned out as I saw someone dreaded behind him. I should have know that my day wasn't over yet, because I saw Jackson enter the ticket line right next to Matt. I noticed the features on Jackson's face as they were peculiar and he didn't look like his usual obnoxious self. Instead Jackson looked lifeless as he shoved towards the front of the line.

"Jamie?" Danny asked snapping his fingers several times.


"You're not even listening are you?" he asked.

I nodded try to reassure my brother. "Yeah, I am. I guess I'll buy a ticket now, I mean, it could be cool I guess." I smile trying to distracted him from noticing his best friend several people in front of us. He had his back towards the doors, so it was unlikely he had seen Jackson enter in the first place. It was also unlikely that he saw Scott sneak his way inside.

"Scott?" I questioned quietly.

Apparently I said it loud enough to where Danny heard me and asked, "Scott?" He looked confused, but when he turned around he understood once he saw Scott hiding standing at the corner.

I knew Scott heard me with his sensitive hearing, so I smiled as he hurried over. "Hey what are you two doing here?"

"I don't even know," I mumbled under my breath as Danny explain to him about the rave tickets.

Scott nodded and I saw his side glance at Jackson, who I assumed he followed after the library incident earlier today. "How much are tickets?" he asked Danny.

"Seventy-five," Danny replied.

"Are you paying for mine to, because I'm broke," I joke. But it was true, it was broke. Spent all my money buying Lydia's birthday present. It took me forever to find her something she didn't already own so I went and ordered it online, a very original pair of ankle boots.

Scott stood silently for a moment. "Can I borrow some money?" he asked.

Danny nodded being the genuine person he is and began to pull out his wallet "How much do you need?"

"Seventy-five," Scott asked, I chuckled to myself at the look on Danny's face. Everything about this moment was hilarious. That was until the ticket lady stop selling tickets and everybody began groaning angrily. Suddenly, Scott pushed past Danny and hid his body between mine and the wall I was standing against.

"Um, Scott what are you--" I then trailed off as I watched Jackson hypnotically walk out of the line, ticket in hand. Without words understood Scott's motives and followed through as his human shield.

Danny was too distracted by the sight to even notice Jackson leave the building behind him. "I didn't know you two where that close," Danny said as he watch the interaction between Scott and I. It was weird indeed, even earned a few stares, but it luckily worked, Jackson hadn't notice Scott.

"Yeah, we are. I mean... yeah." I stuttered.

Scott came out from behind me. "Yeah and you know what, we should hang out more. Right Jamie?" I felt like there was a double meaning to his words so I nodded and agreed. "Like now."

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