Chapter 12.

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"Isaac," I whispered as we laid motionless on the floor. I couldn't really look at him like I wanted to, because as crazy as it may seem, we had be paralyzed by a lizard creature. Personally, my fear of werewolves had become insignificant at the moment. My blood pumped now with fear for the hissing creature tormenting the school pool.

"Yeah Jamie," he breathed. We've been laying here in the dark hallway for about an hour now. It was quiet other than the occasional hissing coming from the pool area, and the cheering from the game ending outside. I didn't know what I was going to tell my parents when I arrived home at whatever time I did, the game was ended by my assumption over ten minutes ago, and I arrived with them. Either they're waiting for me or they were already on their way home. Plus it wasn't like I could text or call them, not only because my whole body has been paralyzed, but the simple fact that they had my phone.

I think he knew the question I've been dying to ask the last few days. It has pecked in my brain for quite a while, and now I wanted answers. Now that I knew neither Isaac or myself could really escape, it was finally time I got my answers. "What are you?" He was silent at first then took a deep breath. "I mean I basically know what you are, or at least I think I do, but I just want you to say it, to prove I'm not crazy," I rush all-in-one breath.

"Jamie look," he began. I knew where he was trying to lead this conversation, and I wasn't in the mood to listen to him ramble.

"Cut the act, and just tell me what the hell is going on; because I'm sick and tired of you leading me on, just for you to leave me in the dark. This time your—we're —stuck here, and for who knows how long, so don't beat around the bush any longer Lahey." I really hoped he could sense how serious I was about this, because now it's gone too far.

I heard him sigh loudly, and I could almost sense his eyes closing in frustration. I could still feel his hand curled stiffly around mine, and even though we we're paralyzed, I could feel his grip slightly tighten. "I was going to tell you sooner or later, you know. It's not just something you just bring up in a conversation." Really? I felt like asking sarcastically. I opted out of saying it, because I was finally getting somewhere with him, and I didn't plan on stopping him. "I didn't want this to happen this way, but it's not exactly what it looked like—but I'm a werewolf."

"Really? It's not what it looked like! Isaac, you do realize you had fangs and claws right? Claws that tore through not only a wall, but the metal of my car right!" I argued. My chest was rising and falling quickly, as the room returned to silence.

So my assumption was right. Isaac Lahey is, dare I say, a werewolf. He was definitely right when he said 'it's not just something you just bring up in a conversation'. Not only did it lead to a dead end conversation, but even though I was very fearful of him, there was not chance of me running away like I assumed most people would, like I wanted to earlier. Yet at the same time, I realized I had kissed a werewolf, and I liked it; and the same werewolf had just rescued me... from a lizard. Nothing really made too much sense to me. How much of everything I've known been a lie? Tonight I've confused the line between fiction and reality. And there was several more minutes of silence.

"What else is out there?" I murmured.

"To be honest, I'm still really new to this whole werewolf thing, so I don't know."

I didn't know how "new" Isaac was to this whole werewolf scene going on, but I can only guess it happened somewhere near the death of his father. "Do you at least know what that lizard thing was?"

"I have no earthly idea what the hell that was." he revealed.

I sighed loudly, still stuck laying on the dirty school floors. The only light source we had was the light shining in from the pool, and the glow of a red exit sign.

"I didn't mean to scary you the other night," Isaac spoke up for the first time in another long period of wasted time. He then paused for a moment, before continuing. "It's just all of this is so new to me, so it's somethings really hard for me to control myself when it comes to—certain stuff."

"How long have you been a, uh--" I couldn't finish my sentence, it seeming so unreal it was hard to even speak.

"Werewolf? It's been about three weeks since I've been bitten."

"Bitten! Why did you get bitten? What did you do wrong to have yourself bitten?"

"Nothing, I asked for it," he jabbed.

"Why Isaac? Why would you do that?"

Isaac groaned. "I don't think you understand what I've been through. First my mother dies. Next my brother. Then everything went down hill from there. That's when my dad started drinking, and the abuse began. If home wasn't awful enough, I had no friends at school. Nobody would ever talk to me, other than Jackson who just bullied me.' He explained, and as he did, I felt so sorry for him. If only I hadn't been so caught up in my own little world to notice that someone else's was falling apart. I felt tears in my eyes, but right now wasn't the right time to cry, so I continued to listen. "So when I was offered the bite--"

"Who did it?" I questioned.

"His name is Derek Hale. I can smell him in the other room." Isaac told me. Oh how lovely, he can smell him in the other room. "So when Derek asked me, I automatically said yes. There wasn't a moment of hesitation."

His story intrigued me. Not the fact that he was in pain, but I learned something about him I might not have ever known. Maybe it was the nosey part of me, or the part that had a liking for him, but I was glad I got to know a little bit more about Isaac tonight. Although they were under such circumstance, and what I learned probably will have me crying before going to bed tonight, I was glad to thankful for knowing them.

I want to look at him, I really did. I mean for the past hour and a half I have been limply staring at the dark ceiling only looking at Isaac out of my perpetual vision. But I felt like I had enough strength in me to turn my head to the side; and I did. Finally I was able to look at him for the first time that night, and I softly smiled when I was able to look down at our hands still holding onto each other.

"Why did you say yes?"

"For once I wanted to be in control at home, not my father. I want to actually play in the game, not sit as a bench warmer. I want to be popular at school, not just some random face. I want to win the girl--" he elaborated, but suddenly stopped as there was lots of noise coming from the pool.

Suddenly, fear raked though me at the thought of the lizard creature coming back towards us, but by the sounds of it, it sounds like water splashing. "Can you like hear in there?" I asked him, but he already looked like he was listening in.

I heard a name shouted from the pool. The name bounced and off of the walls and flooded straight into my ears. "Scott," I hummed the name under my breath.

"Huh," Isaac asked me.

"Is Scott a, um..." I didn't have to finish my sentence and I could tell my answer from the look in Isaac's eyes. "And Stiles to?"

"Do you really think Stiles is a werewolf Jamie?"

"Point taken, but does he know about everything?" Isaac nodded his head, when suddenly his head perked up again, as if he was listening to something going on in the next room over.

"Isaac, what's going--"

Everything in my world came crashing down all at once, as reality hit me like a bus. Werewolves were in fact, real. And the thunderous roar from the next room over, proved my point.

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