Chapter 11.

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"Come on, is that thing even a teenager? I wanna see a birth certificate!" Coach Finstock yelled from the sideline. It was understandable due to the massive size of a player on the Ravens, a local high school lacrosse team. He's been knocking our players down left and right. And that's not any good since this is a game in the semi-finals.

I didn't plan on attending the game tonight. It's not that I didn't want to support Danny or the team, but with everything that's been going on today, I really didn't want to go out. Yet, at the same time, I didn't want to say alone at home either. So I got my butt up, joined my parents, and together we took my dad's car to tonight's game. When they saw the back of my car, they were mad at me at first, but after I explained to them that it happened when I entered Debbie's they said they'd call the insurance and the gas station.

Tonight's game was originally cancelled due to the rain, but it was immediately called back on when it stopped. The rain stopped only minutes after I finished plastering my wall, and the temperature outside dropped rapidly. So when I stripped from my dress earlier, I put on warmer as to not freeze at the game tonight.

We were already a quarter into the game, and another player was being taken off the field by stretcher. I was quite glad Danny usually only played goalie, because he would have been plumed down by the "Abomination". My parents and I sat near the top of the bleachers right above Mrs. McCall, Scott's mom. When mom and dad began talked to her, I told them I would go see Allison who I say sitting with her grandfather on the next set of bleachers. Climbed over several annoyed parents and down the bleachers. Danny saw me and I gave him a thumbs up and a wave before walking over to Allison. Quickly I slid into the empty seat in front of them and turned around to face Allison.

"Did you just hear coach yell at that one kid? Oh my god that was like the best part of my night." I joked. Today, I've been avoiding everyone, so I didn't really get a chance to talk to her today.

Allison laugh, "I don't know who wouldn't have heard it. I mean he screamed loud enough."

I noticed her grandfather smiling down at me and I smiled back. "Hello Jamie, how have you been lately?"

"Good, Mr. Argent. A little stressed out with school and personal stuff," I explained.

He nodded, "That's why we have Ms. Morrell. She's here to help you."

I nodded and smiled. It's not like I could tell him my problems couldn't be shared with the school guidance counselor. "I might just have to do that one day in the future."

Mr. Argent smiled, "I'll tell her to be expecting you."

"Oh-- thanks," I say trying not be be sarcastic.

"Today, I happened to be walking through the parking lot, and I saw your car. What happened to your trunk?" he asked.

My heart beat speed up a little bit at the question. The way he so suddenly popped it up. surprised me definitely. I didn't know how to respond, I mean I barely know what happened. "Um well, I went to Debbie's, it's this donut place near the outside of town, before school, and when I went inside and came back out five minutes later, I guess something scratched it."

"You guess?" he chuckled, but I noticed his body got stiff.

"Yeah I guess, I mean I didn't even know it was there until someone pointed it out to me at school."

He suddenly turned back to the game, ending the conversation abruptly. I felt my phone buzz in my vest pocket, and I slide it out.

Allison: I can see the look on your face right now. So he's getting so personal.

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