Chapter 13.

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 It was about thirty till eleven when I arrived at my front door last night. There was chaos went I enter the house at the "ungodly hour" as my mom referred to it as. The two rambled on about how I should have told them I went to the "victory party", and left my phone with them instead of carrying it with me. I was also informed by my mother who told me that I looked like I was hit by a bus. Internally, I rolled my eyes at her. I mean I was only attacked by a human sized lizard, paralyzed on the floor for about three hours, and then learned that werewolves did in fact exist. Okay, maybe getting hit by the bus would have been a better option. But when Danny walked in the door a few minutes after me, they welcomed him home with open arms, asking him if he was okay from his game injury, to which I scoffed and rushed up stairs to my bedroom.

The word rush perhaps didn't describe what I was actually doing, it was more like a fast hobble at that. When I was tossed against the lockers, I did do something to my ankle. Later when I started to become unparalleled the pain intensified. With my own self-evaluation of it, I determined it as simply a twist ankle, to which I was thankful for. Luckily, I had an ankle brace somewhere in my closet. It could have been way worse, but I didn't complain when Isaac insisted that he would carry me home.

It was that long of a walk, and it was during this time that he explained to me a little bit more about this whole werewolf ordeal. He explained to me that's why his eyes glowed gold sometimes, and why he could carry me all five miles to my house without putting me down or taking a rest. Isaac told me about his enhancing hearing, which explained how he was able to hear my heartbeat a few nights ago, and his heightened senses. I cringed knowing he could smell how badly I smelt right now. I mean I took a shower just before the game today, but still, I didn't want to smell bad to him. Luckily he doesn't have the capability to read minds, but I think he knew what I was thinking without saying it.

When I tired to bring up the scratches on my car, he blatantly ignored the subject and continued explaining something else about the supernatural world. Apparently, Erica and Boyd were also bitten by this Derek character whom I am still yet to meet. The three have been avoiding school and laying low, living with this practical stranger out in Warehouse District on the other side town. Derek is telling them that it's not safe for them, or for everybody else if they went to school. Although, Erica and Boyd could go as they please, Isaac on the other hand, was still a supposed suspect to his fathers murder and still had to stay in hiding. So that's why Isaac didn't knock on my house door last night.

Last night, I barely was able to sleep. There was so much going on in my mind, as well as the fact I didn't get into bed until after twelve. So this morning I was completely out of it. Danny simply amused himself while I tried to commit myself to straightening my hair. Usually I struggled, but today I completely bombed it. Sooner or later I resorted to asking for help. I didn't want to add to the multiple burns already forming on my fingers already. This morning I also wrapped my ankle in an ankle brace, before sliding on my for the day.

Even the cheerily warm day didn't do anything to wake me up. Neither did the thermos of coffee my mom made before she left for work this morning. I felt entirely out of it today, and I couldn't see anything changing my mood. Unlike most mornings when I happily talked loudly around the house, my behavior mellowed this morning as I kept to myself.

"You look live you've seen a ghost," Danny said as he drove us to school. He didn't have lacrosse or band practice today, so since I was to tired to drive myself, I had Danny drive me to school. Additionally, my parents didn't want me driving around in my car until the insurance came to inspect it.

"Maybe I have, I don't even know anymore," I say sighing.

"What do you mean?" Danny inquired.

Danny and I have had this conversation ever since we were little. Beacon Hills has always been an odd place, and somehow we were always able to notice the odd behaviors or strange occurrences that when around town. Now that I know the true of what really roamed Beacon Hills, all of our questions have been answered. Despite the fact that Isaac told me to not tell anyone, I felt like I should tell Danny. I felt like I was lying to him somehow. I know I hadn't even said anything to him in the first place, but as my brother, not to mention my twin, I felt obligated to tell him.

"It nothing," I quickly answer. I couldn't push myself to tell him knowing he would be going through the exact same mind complexing challenge I was currently facing. Notably, we were also pulling into the parking lot of school, so right now wouldn't have been a good time to tell him the whole 'werewolves do exist' speech.

I went to quickly get out of the car, but as I went to grab the handle, Danny quickly reached across and closed the door. "What's this about Danny?"

"Maybe I should be asking you the same thing Jamie?" He said looking me directly in the eyes. Sighing I pulled myself together in the passenger seat and waited for whatever he had to say. "Look Jamie, I'm worried about you. You've been acting strange lately, and not to mention your sneaking boys into the house--"

"Wait, wait, wait! How did you know!"

"Do you think I'm deaf, I heard you guys arguing in your room. Then it got quiet and I don't want to think of what actually happened," he tried to joke.

I blushed at the memory. "Oh hush, nothing bad happened!" Danny gave me a knowing look. "Nothing happened okay. Do mom and dad know?"

"You know dad would kill you if he ever found out about that, I wouldn't put you through that. Although, I would like to know who was it?"

"What?" I asked shocked.

"If I'm gonna keep your secret, you have to tell me who snuck in?" he asked eagerly.

"I'm not gonna tell you," I laughed.

He groaned loudly grabbing my shoulders, "You have to tell me who was it? Was it Jacob Taylor?"

"You really think I'd want him in my room? I made that mistake once, I'm not going back down that path." I decided I wasn't going to be late for class, so I climbed out of his car and headed towards the main entrance.

"Was it Luke?" He asked as he followed in step beside me.

"No Danny."

"Was it Cameron?"

"No, now stop asking, because I'm not telling."

"Was it Pruitt? Because I wouldn't mind that boy climbing in my window at night," he smirked.

"No Danny! Stop you've got a boyfriend right over there," I said pointing to his boyfriend, Bryce, who was standing across the courtyard. When he noticed us, he smiled and started walking towards Danny. I took this as my chance to escape. "I'll see you later Danny. Have fun with your boyfriend," I winked before walking away feeling slightly better.

"I'll figure it out sooner or later," was the last thing I heard him say before I walked inside the school.

As I walked down the halls, maybe it was just me, but it felt like everybody was whispering and moving restlessly. My mind could exactly focus as I moved through the first class of the day, and down the hallway towards second period.

Suddenly, I was pushed out of the way and slammed into a locker. "Watch it Stilinski!" I shout to him. Normally, I wouldn't be the type to shout at something as simple as being pushed into a locker. I mean it's high school, you get shoved into a locker all the time, I'm just gonna be brutally honest. But today, was not my day, plus my ankle was already in pain, and I didn't want to know what Lydia would say when she saw me at lunch today. Probably how I was too under-dressed for school today, which I would just moan unacknowledgingly and continue to eat my peanut butter sandwich in peace.

Stiles turned around and shout sorry before hurrying into class. I would what the rush would be? It's not like any of us are eager to sit in class for god knows how long and doing god knows what. Still in an unpleasant mood, I trudged onward to class. I turned into class and stopped at the sight of him. My heart skipped a beat, and my frown faltered for a split second.

I knew it from the second I saw those beautiful curls. It was as if he sense me, which I assumed his did with his heightened senses, and turned around. My frown flipped instantly at the sight of his face.

"Isaac?" I said almost unbelievably. I said it as it I was testing the words on the tip of my tongue. It was unbelievable that he was here.

"Jamie," he said smiling beautiful, his blue eyes shining. He stood up when he saw me. He shouldn't be here, he was considered to be a fugitive, but that didn't stop me from running and jumping into his arms.

He held me tightly and for the first time today I felt ten times better. "I'm so glad you back," I whispered into the warmth of his neck.

"I'm glad to be back," Isaac said at the same tone. "And for good."  

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