Chapter O7.

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I sat on the bathroom counter as I tried to experiment with the curling wand I'd recently got for Christmas. It wasn't often that I attempted to curl my hair, but after waking up at an ungodly hour this morning, I decided on curling it. After my encounter with Isaac in the parking yesterday, I came home and planned to fall right asleep. I left my window unlocked while I was awake, but I was too scared to leave it unlocked all night. Tonight, I'd probably end up locking it again, but I would leave it open for the few hours I'd be awake.

"Jamie do you want to lift today?" Danny asked popping his head into the cracked bathroom door.

I jumped at his sudden appearance in the doorway and yelped as I burned the back of my head with the wand. "Damn it!"

Danny busted out laughing and I rolled my eyes. "Come on Jamie, this has got to be the seventh time this has happened to you. Don't you know how to do your hair by now?" He joked nudging my shoulder as he leaned against the door frame.

"Ha-ha very funny, and yes, I would like a ride. What time are you leaving?"

"Thirty minutes and mom wanted me to tell you that she made you eggs," he added before pulling the door shut as he left.

"Thanks," I told him before he was too far out of earshot. I heard him say your welcome before I heard his feet pounding down the stairs.

With the back of my head on fire from the burn, I quickly finished curling my hair before running locking my door to change. Hurriedly, I swung my backpack over my shoulders and closed my door behind me then hiked down the stairs. I swung the bar stool out and sat next to Danny, who was already three-fourths the way done with his plate. My mom smiled down at me before sliding me a plate of scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. "Good morning sweetie," she grinned perkily as she proceeded with fixing a vase of white plumeria flowers.

"Morning mom," I grumbled as I began to butter my toast, to then take a large bite out of it.

My mother looked up from her vase work and glances at my face as I chewed the large bite of toast in my mouth. "Did you get any sleep last night? You look like you've been up for hours."

I glare at my mom for her blatant comment about the bags under my eyes. "Thanks, mom," I sarcastically smiled.

"Jamie," she warned the threatening tone underlying in her voice.

I groan before hitting my head on the marble countertop. "I'm sorry mom, I just couldn't get any sleep last night. I mean I couldn't with all the weird howling outside." Both Danny and my mom looked at me like I was crazy. "Did neither of you hear the weird howls outside?" I further explained myself. "It started around two this morning and didn't stop for about an hour or so."

"You're losing it," Danny mumbled before taking another bite of his eggs covered in ketchup.

"That's real reassuring, but mom?" I looked at her pleading for her to not tell me I was "losing it."

She sighed, "I took a melatonin before bed, so I was knocked out all night, and you know your father, he wouldn't even know if there was a tornado outside." It was true, dad could sleep through anything, so I know he definitely didn't hear anything last night.

"Maybe you just heard the TV last night," Danny suggested.

I shook my head. "What I heard was not a TV. It sounded so real Danny, like there were wolves right outside my window," I exaggerated.

"You do know there aren't any wolves in Southern California right?"


Danny quickly typed something in on his phone, then slide it in front of me, "It says there are no wolves here. Coyotes, but no wolves. Maybe that's what you heard this morning."

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