Chapter 22.

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Chapter 22

"I thought just last night you said you didn't want to go, but now you're wanting tickets. What changed?" Danny asked as he stacked several books into his locker between classes.

"I had a change of heart." I told him. It came out more like a question and an assertive answer.

"Sure you did," Danny said closing his locker and walking away.

Sighing loudly, I chased after him and I grabbed his shoulder. "Okay look, someone convinced me to go, so now I really want to go with them. So I need a ticket," I explain in hopes he would understand.

I watched as Danny arched an eyebrow. "By someone do you mean boyfriend Isaac?" he asked with interest.

It wasn't that he guessed the right reason why I ended up blushed, in fact he was only halfway right, but the fact that I had told him about my relationship with Isaac and now he keeps taunting me with it. He only did it in a brotherly way of course, and it wasn't that I minded at all. But the real reason I needed tickets was so that Scott and Stiles could get into secret show tonight. Apparently, last night while Stiles was with his dad, together they figured out that all of the murders in town are connected: everyone killed attended Beacon Hills High School in 2006 and where all in, who else's classroom but, Mr. Harris's. The only mystery murder is Mr. Lahey. Anywho, the reason they need into the show is because they believe since Jackson, who bought a ticket last night, will be there so will his master.

It would just be easier to agree with him than argue, so I agreed. "Okay, okay fine. I want to go to the party with Isaac tonight!"

"Jamie does have a fun side!" Danny smiled winking jokingly at me.

I scoffed,"I'm not that boring."

Danny crossed his arms to tell me otherwise. "The last party you went to was ours. And that was in July."

"Okay, maybe I am kinda boring, but now seriously, can you get me a ticket?"

He smirked. "Don't worry, I found someone online who is selling tickets and I'm picking one up tonight. I'll text him and ask if he has anymore so that you can go grind and make out with your boyfriend tonight."

"Yeah right," I began laughing as I turned to walk back towards history class. "Thanks by the way."

"Your welcome, you owe me sometime okay," he said.


Like always, Danny was able to pull through and got me a ticket. Sadly it wasn't the seventy-five dollar price it was at the ticket booth. No it was and extra twenty-five bucks, and Danny was only able to get one. Luckily Stiles told me that Isaac went and beat some kid up for tickets. As bad as it sounds, I'm glad they got tickets, even of that poor kid got beaten up over it, because if anything, they definitely need to get into this show if what they say is true.
Danny and I had arrived about twenty minutes ago and we had already wandered inside the building. From the outside the music was loud, but after entering the music was raging and the whole rave scene came to life. There was about every type of person here, doing about everything illegal as possible. Some of the things I saw as I walked through I didn't even know could be done. I tried to kinda party like, and even as I got dressed I thought I was showing too much skin. Yet Danny reassured me that I wasn't, and he was right. Compared to some of these girls here, whose butts where basically on display through their "shorts", I was dressed like a nun.

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