Chapter 14.

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I knew somewhere in the back of my mind I had feelings for Isaac Lahey, and somehow I always forgot. That was until I pulled back from our embrace and stared right at his face. It was so strange to me how he was able to show up and instantly change my attitude for the day. Maybe because after everything that happened last night I felt closer to him.

My eyes shifted to the left and I noticed the weird look both Scott and Stiles were giving us. I didn't really bother me until I noticed that so was everybody else in the room. Sheepishly, I let go of Isaac and slid into the seat in front of him before the final bell rang. Throughout class, I found myself turning around and smiling at him every few minutes in class. Even through it was kinda silly, I was overwhelmed when Isaac would always smile warmly back at me. I always turned back around before he could see the red blush creep up the side of my face, but I knew I couldn't hide the racing beat of my heart from him.

At the end of class, I stuffed by folder into my backpack and looked over to see Isaac waiting for me. I smiled cheekily, and practically floated over to him and we left the classroom together. "So why are you back in school?" I asked him as we walked down the hallway. After realizing how rude that sounded, I quickly when to change it. "I mean it's not like I don't want you here, I do. I really do, but I thought the other day you said you couldn't come back to school until you were cleared of all charges."

"I was," Isaac announced.

I light up. "For real! I'm so happy for you," I beamed hugging him again. He gladly weaved his arms around me, and I quickly let go, but as I went to drop my hand, I felt his hand graze over mine. He didn't make a move to hold my hand, but I can't say I didn't want him. "When did this happen?"

"Just a few minutes before second period actually," he explained. We hadn't walked far down the hallway and we were already receiving strange looks from everyone that passed us. They were probably just shocked to see Isaac back after what happened, and so suddenly to. I mean I sure was.

I was even more shocked when I heard the loud jingling of bracelets and the tapping of high heels fall in step on the other side of Isaac. I leaned around his large frame, and my smile slightly faltered when I saw Erica. "Jamie, how cute," Erica raved. She smirked at me before tugging Isaac arm and pulling him ahead. "Come on Isaac, Derek told me to tell you something," she said smirking at me from behind Isaac back.

My lips curled into a frown, and that only seemed to fuel Erica even more, but suddenly, Isaac ripped his arm out of her's. "I guess I'll see you later Jamie, I'm sorry. Maybe I'll see you during lunch," Isaac smiled. Erica scoffed, before strutting ahead of us.

"It's okay, I understand you guys have got your "pack thing" you need to deal with," I emphasize, putting air quotes around pack thing. Isaac slightly chuckled, and from the corner of my eye I could see Erica glaring and Danny watching in curiosity as he stood beside Jackson who just so happened to also be glaring at us. "Plus I have to go talk to Danny, so... I guess I'll see you later to." I really didn't want to go, but as Isaac said good-bye, I followed suit, and watch as he walked towards Erica.

Slowly, I walked over to my brother and his best friend who where standing in the side of the hallway. "Hey," I popped in. Danny warmly smiled at me, and Jackson continued to be Jackson and shrugged me off. But suddenly, he cringed and had this lost look in his eye almost as if he was in pain. I looked at him oddly, but ignored his strange behavior.

"So what were you doing with Isaac, Jamie?" Danny inquired as he leaned against the lockers.

"Nothing," I responded to quickly, and I think Danny caught on. Even if I didn't tell him, he was bound to find out sooner or later, I mean he was my brother, not to mention my twin. I awaited a rude comment from Jackson telling me that I shouldn't be hanging around someone as "lame" as Isaac, but nothing came. When I looked at Jackson's face, he reflected this lost look in his eye, and gazed into dead space. All of a sudden, the warning bell rang, and I watch in shock as his hand flew to his ears and he became on wide alert. "Are you okay Jackson?" I asked concerned. He behavior was far too absurd to just let slide by, but as I turned to look at Danny he didn't seem phased by his friends odd action.

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