Chapter 16.

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Chapter 16

Yesterday was definitely... something. Seeing the lizard creature and being paralyzed by it once was enough; seeing it twice and giving it a pet name was a whole different story. Then after I finally got home, it was around eleven o'clock when dad got a call from Danny saying that he was out when he was suddenly paralyzed from the neck down. Knowing what that meant, I accompanied mom and dad down to the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital.

As we we're arriving, Danny's doctor announced his reason of paralization as unknown, as well as the several others who had also been paralyzed that night. The doctor said it would be best for Danny, as well as the other victims, to spend the night in the hospital. Although, mom was extremely uncomfortable with her "baby-boy" spending the night in the hospital, she was reluctant and finally came to a decision—at one a.m.. She deemed it best that she stay the night with Danny, since dad had to open his office and I had school in the morning. It was easy for mom to stay behind, since she could just open her flower shop later in the day.

While mom and dad where both talking to the doctor in the hallway, I asked Danny tons of questions about how everything happened. I though if Danny would tell me any important detail, it might be beneficial to Isaac later on. Danny told me everything he knew, which wasn't very much, but at this point any detail could help. Though was shocked when he mention that him and his boyfriend, Bryce, had broken up earlier that night and he hadn't even told me. I was even more shocked to find out Danny went to the Jungle, a gay club near the warehouse district, to help get his mind off of everything. I also learned that Bryce had also been at the Jungle and had been paralyzed, which wouldn't help him when I got a hold of him.

This morning I moved mindlessly, dragging my feet across the kitchen floor as I prepared a small breakfast. These past few weeks I've barely had any sleep, and with that slimy creature freely roaming around town, I didn't expect to get any good sleep in the near future. I made a note to myself to buy more concealer because I was running low and quick at this rate.

"Good morning James," my dad smile as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

I smiled at the unoriginal nickname my dad gave me when I was younger. "Good morning dad."

"Do you want me to take you to school?"

"Yes please," I said gratefully in between bites of an apple. "Do you know when my car's going to go to the shop?"

"Today finally, and there going to estimate the damage. And if you're lucky, since you've check engine lights been on for over two months, and since you've parents that love you and bought you full coverage insurance, they'll give us enough money to buy you something newer."

"I really like what I have," I say defending the little 2004 Mitsubishi Endeavor. "It's got me where I needed go, and it has gotten me their faithful for almost a year."

"Maybe it has, but whatever happened to your car, which is still a mystery, has multiple gaping holes into the back. That's not just a simple fix. Not to mention you engine stutters often, and the check engine light has been on for how many months?"

"Only two," I exacted.

"Two too many," my dad chuckled lightly.

"Okay fine maybe, but for now I'm still routing for it. A new car is expensive."

"I never said I was buying you a new car," he corrected. "I said I would get you something newer." I groaned loudly, and he chuckled to himself. "Now go get dressed, I want to drop you off as soon as possible. Hopefully with the next thirty minutes," he asks.

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