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2 days after X and Desghidorah's attack...

The helicopter landed on the beach, kicking up sand and dirt around it. The blades slowed and eventually shut off. Jet and Moguera turned to Godzilla, each holding duffel bags.
"Well, I guess this is it, for now at least." Jet said.
"I guess it is." Godzilla said. "I wish you guys could stay for a bit longer, but rules are rules."
"Yep, due to that volcano erupting, the government's going a bit nuts." Moguera explained. "All Japanese military units have been called in. And that includes us."
Godzilla nodded. He understood this already. Jet stepped forward.
"Wait, I almost forgot." He said. He pulled out a device which looked like a phone, but much bigger, about half an inch thick with a 6 by 10 inch screen. There was a red circular button bellow the screen, and a tiny camera next to a microphone, while a speaker lay on the other end. "It's a communicator." Jet explained. "If you ever need to get in touch with us, just press the button. It's only on one network, so it'll only connect with us."
Godzilla nodded once more and took the communicator from Jet. This brought him a bit of comfort. While he knew he would miss the two of them, he also knew he would see both of them again, possibly soon.
"Take care, guys." He said. They nodded back, and walked to the helicopter. Once they were on and seated, the helicopter blades swung back to life, lifting the vehicle back into the air. Godzilla watched as it took off, then turned his attention back to the smoke ejecting from the volcano.

3 days later...

A few days had passed since the volcano erupted. Smoke still billowed from the crater, and it showed no sign of stopping. What people didn't know was that this eruption signalled the arrival of an ancient deity. An evil spirit who never should have been set free. But now he was. An arm covered in pale white, purple, and red armour appeared over the rim of the crater. Another arm appeared next to it. The arm pulled a the figure attached to them out of the lava, apparently unfazed by the heat. He was covered head to toe in the white armour, with red and purple highlights all over. The only part of his body exposed was his face, which was tattooed and scarred with various markings. His eyes were black with red irises. He looked like a demon in every sense of the word. He looked at his surroundings, then down at his own hands, seemingly surprised by being free of his volcanic prison.
"Who has awoken me from my slumber?" He growled. His voice was deep and raspy. He didn't sound human whatsoever.
"That would be me." A voice said from the side. It sounded as if it was filtered through some sort of respirator machine. Despite this, the voice sounded calm and intelligent. It was coming from a tall skinny figure who stepped out from behind a large rock. He wore a dark green and yellow uniform, with a dark purple cape flowing behind him. His face was strange. His large purple brain was exposed through his transparent skull, and he wore a mask with a respirator over the mouth and red compound lenses over his eyes.
"Who are you?" The armoured figure asked. It was more of a threat than a question.
"My name is Dogolas." The other figure responded. "No need for introductions, I already know who you are. You are Bagan, the Spirit of Evil."
Bagan furrowed his brow. "You are correct. How did you free me from my volcanic prison?"
"It was quite easy." Dogolas explained. "A few well placed bombs here and there, as well as an ancient ritual, and now here we are."
"I see." Bagan grumbled. He felt that he could possibly trust this figure, which is more than he could say for many of the mortals he had met in the past. "Now, why did you free me in the first place?"
"Well, as much as I hate to admit it, I need your help." Dogolas answered. "You see, I come from a planet far away from this universe, and I require a challenge to prove my intellect and strategic skill. I plan on doing this by conquering Earth, but there is something that stands in my way. Well, multiple things."
Bagan was intrigued. He had been summoned to do the dirty work of mere mortals before, but something about Dogolas was much more interesting to him. "Go on..." He said, nodding.
"This world is protected by creatures called Kaiju, namely one who calls himself Godzilla." Dogolas continued. "He has an army of others like him. They all must be destroyed before I can put my conquest to work."
That name Godzilla struck a cord in Bagan's mind. It sounded remarkably Gojira, the name of one of the three beings who imprisoned him in the volcano in the first place. It couldn't be a coincidence. The two had to be connected somehow. He smirked, showing glimpses of his sharp, shark-like teeth.
"Alright, Dogolas. I will accept your offer." Bagan said. "However, I insist on one condition. I must be the one to kill Godzilla."
"That can be arranged." Dogolas agreed. "And if my plan works, we shall rule this pathetic world together." He stuck out his hand, attempting to shake Bagan's hand. Bagan returned the handshake, and the deal was struck. With Dogolas' intelligence and strategic planning, and Bagan's powers and strength, they would be unstoppable. Nothing could stand in their way.

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