Chapter 9: Human Lives

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No!" Godzilla shouted as he ran to the right side of the bridge, catching the bus by cable. Unfortunately, while Godzilla was strong, the bus was way to heavy for him to lift on his own.
"Manda, I need your help!" He shouted. There was no answer. "Manda, get the hell over here!" He yelled, looking over his shoulder. Manda was gone. He was chasing after Bagan, who was flying away using some sort of floating platform device. Rokmutul was standing on another one, while Pterodactyl was flying next to them using another set of replacement wings. Manda took off after them. Bagan saw him approaching and rolled his eyes. He produced a white orb from his hand and threw it at Manda. The second it hit him, the orb expanded and morphed around him, trapping him in a hard chrysalis-like shell. He fell to the ground while Bagan and the clones got away. Godzilla's eyes widened as he remembered the other bus. He quickly swung his head around and looked to the other side of the bridge, and was relieved to see Anguirus holding onto the cable, while Rodan lifted the bus from the bottom. Once the bus was safely back on the bridge, they broke open the door and started helping people off. While this was happening, Godzilla was struggling to hold the cable. His grip was starting to weaken. He was strong, but not nearly as strong as Anguirus. And not nearly strong enough to lift a bus full of people by himself.
"Guys, I could use some help!" He called. Rodan heard him and quickly flew underneath the bridge and lifted the bus from the bottom, just as he did with the other bus. Godzilla gave a relieved sigh and managed to pull the bus back up with Rodan's help. After a while, the bus and everyone on it was safe.
"That was too close." Godzilla said.
"Hey, where's captain buzz-kill?" Rodan asked. "He was fighting Bagan with you, right?"
As he said this, Manda flew in next to them, brushing bits of the chrysalis off of him. Godzilla glared at him.
"Bad news." Manda stated. "Bagan has escaped us."
"Where the hell were you?" Godzilla growled.
"I was trying to catch Bagan." Manda explained. "Unfortunately, he got away. We could have caught him if you all weren't here dealing with his pointless distraction-"
Without thinking, without even winding up, Godzilla punched Manda in the face as hard as he possibly could. Manda was sent down and tumbled across the broken pavement. Rodan and Anguirus backed up in surprise with looks of shock on their faces.
"Pointless distraction!?" Godzilla yelled. "We were saving lives! You were the one not doing anything!" Manda got up and glared angrily at Godzilla, wiping blood from his nose. He spun around and kicked Godzilla in the chest, sending him stumbling backwards.
"I was attempting to end this conflict!" Manda spat. "Meanwhile, you waste your time with these humans. When will you learn? Human lives don't matter!"
Godzilla roared in anger and lunged at Manda, tackling him to the ground. Manda shot his knee up into Godzilla stomach, then kicked him up and sent him flying over his head. He landed on the ground behind him. The two got back up and ran at each other, attempting to grapple again, but Godzilla was suddenly hit in the chest with something that felt like a block of cement. It didn't hurt much, but it did wind him quite a bit. He stopped and pitched forward, trying to catch his breath. The object that hit him was Anguirus' hammer. At the same time, Manda was held back by Rodan holding a sword to his neck.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?" Anguirus snapped. "In case you haven't noticed, we have bigger things to worry about right now than some petty argument. We're not here to debate over who's life matters more, we're here to save the freaking world!"
Manda raised an eyebrow. "Hm. You may not be as stupid as I thought, Anguirus."
"Oh, shut up." Rodan snapped. Manda glared at him.
"Anguirus is right." Godzilla said. He breathed in and out deeply, managing to calm himself. He extended his hand out to Manda, prompting Rodan to lower his sword.
"Look, Manda, it's obvious that we are never going to get along." Godzilla continued. "But the sooner we get rid of Bagan, the sooner we never have to talk to each other again. So for now, let's just call a truce."
Manda looked down at Godzilla's hand and begrudgingly shook it.
"I still hate you." He said.
"Yeah, well the feelings mutual, asshole." Godzilla grumbled.
After the handshake, they all left the bridge. Eventually, they got to the beach where they parked the boat. Unfortunately, it wasn't starting.
"That's not good..." Anguirus muttered.
"Um... the boat should be going." Rodan said. "Why is it not going?"
"Bad news." Anguirus said, checking the fuel gauge. "We're out of gas."
Godzilla gave a frustrated groan. "It's past midnight! Where are we going to find boat fuel at this hour?"
"Well, looks like we're stuck for the night." Anguirus said.
"Maybe you are." Manda said. "I'm heading back to the island."
He jumped in the air to fly away, but Rodan quickly grabbed his leg. Manda looked down at him and scowled.
"Oh no you don't." Rodan said. "If you're gonna be part of the team, you're gonna stick with the team."
"Fine." Manda groaned. They all decided that it would be easier to stick with the boat for the night. Fortunately, Godzilla had the foresight to pack a large tent and sleeping bags in case of an emergency. As far as they were all concerned, this counted as an emergency. It wouldn't be comfortable, but it would work. Once the tent was set up, everyone crawled into their sleeping bags and fell asleep almost immediately. Everyone except for Godzilla. He was too busy thinking about the events of the past hour. He thought about his fight with Manda, where Bagan was now, and what was happening on the island. He hoped everyone was alright, especially Mothra. His thoughts escaped him as he slowly fell asleep.

Mothra gave a tired sigh and ran a hand through her messy hair. It had been over an hour since the meteors crashed. It was nearly morning. She gave a small yawn and looked around at the others. Zilla was practically asleep, Muto was rubbing her eyes, and even Ceaser looked like he was about to crash. That was one of the biggest creature hordes they had encountered. It made sense that everyone was tired.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to bed." Komi said.
"I think we all deserve a rest." Ceaser said.
Mothra didn't need to be told twice. She groggily trudged through the forrest, managing not to trip over anything, and found her way back to her tent. She stepped inside. The lights were off. She groaned and walked over to the lantern next to her bed. She switched it on, and the room filled with a dim light. That's when she heard it.
"Hello, Mothra." A voice. It seemed to come from all around her. It was sounded calm, but it seemed to be distorted somehow. Her eyes widened as her tiredness left her mind. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Someone had been in her room this whole time, and she hadn't realized. She spun around and found herself face-to-face with a strange alien figure. His glowing red compound eyes seemed to stare straight into her soul. She tried to scream, but the intruder quickly covered her mouth with his hand. He forced her down onto the bed, standing over her and holding her down as she struggled.
"Shh, shh, shh, this won't hurt a bit." The intruder said. Mothra had no idea what he was talking about. Once she saw him pull out a syringe filled with a clear red-coloured liquid, she used all her strength to kick him in the stomach. This made him both drop the syringe and let go of her as he grunted in pain. Mothra rolled off the bed and ran to the tent entrance. The intruder sighed in frustration.
"They always want it the hard way." He hissed. He opened his cape from the side and produced a black tendril from inside it. The tendril shot out and grabbed Mothra's wrist. She pulled and struggled, but could not resist as the tendril began to pull her closer to the intruder. Panic and fear had left her mind, replaced with pure anger. This bastard broke into her room, forced her down, and tried to inject her with some sort of drug. Mothra was absolutely furious. She tried to punch the intruder as she got closer to him, but another tendril shot out at grabbed her other wrist.
"Someone's been a little naughty." The intruder mocked. "I think you need a time-out."
"Who the hell are you!?" Mothra yelled.
The intruder didn't reply. Instead, he gingerly grabbed her neck and brushed away her hair, exposing her silky pale skin. He picked up the syringe again and jabbed the needle in her neck, making her yelp in pain and anger. He slowly pushed down on the syringe, and as he did, Mothra realized what the drug was. A tranquillizer, or some sort of sedative. Her struggling slowed and then stopped. Her eyes began to close. Before the drug completely took her over, she looked up at him.
"Who... are... you..." She asked again. The intruder leaned down close to her face and held up her chin. Just before she slipped into unconsciousness, he spoke to her.
"Dogolas." He whispered.

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