Chapter 14: Closing Act

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"Well, that was entertaining." Dogolas said. He walked up to Godzilla and stood next to him, eyeing Zilla's unconscious form. "Now, let's finish off this little diversion, shall we?"
"Get away from him!" Komi yelled. She fought the urge to run up to Dogolas and attack him, knowing that either he or Godzilla would easily overpower her. Dogolas heard her shout and turned to her.
"Keep your mouth shut." He snapped. "I'll deal with you all later."
"You son of a bitch..." Komi grumbled angrily. Dogolas paid no attention to her.
"Finish your task, Godzilla." He ordered. "Kill him."
Without a second thought, Godzilla raised his sword, preparing to stab Zilla and end their battle once and for all. But suddenly, something hit him on the back of the head. Strangely enough, he actually felt it. He completely froze. Dogolas eyed him confusedly.
"I didn't order you to hesitate." He hissed. "Kill him now."
After a few seconds, Godzilla began to move again. His arm holding his sword fell to his side, while his other hand held his slumped over head. He released a groan that sounded like he had a bad headache.
"Ow... what happened?" He grumbled. He opened his eyes and began to take in his surroundings. Zilla was knocked out in front of him, everyone else was standing far away from him, staring at him in fear, and Dogolas was standing next to him.
"Wait... did you just... speak?" Dogolas asked, seemingly surprised. Godzilla's face contorted in anger as he looked at him.
"Yeah. What did you expect me to do?" He asked. Before Dogolas could respond, Godzilla swiftly kicked him in the stomach, making him grunt and keel over in pain.
"Now how about you explain to me just what the hell is going on?" Godzilla continued. "Last thing I remember, you shot some weird tentacle thing at me, then I black out, and now here we are."
Suddenly, Godzilla nearly toppled over as a light but dense weight hit him from the side and clung onto him. It was Mothra, hugging him tightly.
"Godzilla, you're back!" She said. She let go of him as she began to explain what happened. "It was horrible. He put you under some sort of mind control and made you attack us. He almost made you kill Zilla!"
"Is that so?" Godzilla asked, glaring at Dogolas, who was now backing up nervously. Godzilla's gaze then went to Zilla, who was now just waking up. A pained groan escaped his lips.
"C'mon, get up." Godzilla said. As Zilla heard him, he quickly rolled over and jumped back up to his feet. He was a bit scared at first, but once he got a look at Godzilla's eyes, which were normal again, he calmed down.
"I didn't mess you up too bad, did I?" Godzilla asked.
"Uh... no, not really." Zilla admitted. Just as Mothra had glomped onto Godzilla, Komi ran over and embraced Zilla with all her strength. She nearly made him fall over from the force.
"Dammit, Zilla, I thought you were dead!" Komi said. "Don't you ever do that to me again!"
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry." Zilla chuckled. Godzilla's eyebrow raised as a smirk crossed his face.
"So you two are together now, huh?" He asked.
"Y-yeah, I guess." Zilla replied, wrapping an arm around Komi's waist.
"I knew you had it in you." Godzilla said, giving Zilla a thumbs up. His attention was drawn away by the rest of the group, who were now approaching him.
"Nice to have you back, Godzilla." Rodan smirked.
"So what exactly got you out of Dogolas' control?" Anguirus asked.
"I don't really know. I think it-whoa!" He was interrupted by a strange feeling on the back of his head. It felt like something came out. He swiftly shot his hand up to the back of his head, where he felt a small wound which was quickly healing.
"What the hell is that?" Komi asked. They all crowded around what had fallen out of Godzilla's head. It was a small round metallic device with 4 little spikes that looked like spider legs on the sides. They seemed to have hooked into his skin. But that wasn't the most interesting part. On the bottom of the device had a long, sharp, flexible spire, about the length of a number 2 pencil. It was covered in spots of blood and other strange fluids.
"Gross." Anguirus said. "But cool. I guess that's what got you back to normal."
"That makes sense." Ceaser agreed. "Dogolas physically manipulated Godzilla's brain using a tendril to control him. So this must have done the same thing, but in reverse."
"So this thing was wriggling around in my brain!?" Godzilla asked, a disgusted expression crossing his face.
"But where did it come from?" Mothra asked.
"Wait... Dogolas' put his gross tentacle in my brain!?" Godzilla asked, more shocked and disgusted than before.
"Technically, it was a tendril." Leo said. A shudder ran down Godzilla's spine.
"Not helping." He whispered through clenched teeth.
"Speaking of which, where is Dogolas?" Mothra asked.
Everyone looked to where Dogolas had been standing before. He was gone now, but he hadn't gotten far. He had been slowly sneaking away throughout their conversation. Godzilla shouted at him.
"Hey, get back here!" He called. Dogolas started running. Godzilla started chasing after him, until they heard a loud mechanical noise. It sounded like a huge jet engine. Suddenly, the source of the noise appeared over the horizon. It was a machine that resembled some sort of battleship, with large drill on the bow. They all recognized the giant flying submarine.
"What's the Gotengo doing here?" Baragon asked. He noticed that Manda backed up in fear when he saw the battleship. He couldn't blame him though. Manda hadn't had the best experiences when it came to the Gotengo in the past. Suddenly, they all heard a quiet but audible beeping. It sounded like a ringtone, which it technically was. It was coming from Godzilla's communicator. He quickly pulled it out, seeing that he was getting a video call from Jet. He pressed the button, and Jet's image popped up on screen, sitting in the Gotengo's cockpit.
"Hey there, Godzilla!" He said. "I see you got our little gift."
"Oh, you mean your little brain probe?" Godzilla asked. "Yeah, I got it. Stuck in the back of my head."
"Without that 'probe', you'd still be under Dogolas' control." Jet reminded him.
"I guess it doesn't matter now." Godzilla said. "What're you doing here anyway?"
"It's not just me." Jet said. He pressed a button on the dashboard, and the camera zoomed out. Moguera was there too, but four others were in the Gotengo's cockpit. One was a short, elderly Japanese man. Godzilla recognized him as Dr. Ichiro Serizawa, the lead scientist conducting research on Muto and Hokmuto during their attack last year. Another was a larger American man with a thick moustache on his face. This was Captain Douglas Gordon, a former captain of the Gotengo. Another was a younger, taller man with short brown hair and light stubble. This was Lt. Ford Brody, one of the only human soldiers willing to fight Muto and Hokmuto alongside Godzilla. Finally, there was a small nerdy-looking fellow wearing a weird hat. While Godzilla had never met him personally, he recognized the man as Dr. Niko Tatopoulos, a biologist called in to study Zilla when he first surfaced.
"So this is the Gotengo's new crew?" Godzilla asked. "Looks like you're in good hands."
"We thought we'd stop by and help you with Dogolas." Jet explained. "... And it looks like he's escaping right now."
Godzilla looked up from the communicator, just in time to see Dogolas running away.
"Oh, son of a..." Godzilla grumbled.
"Don't worry, we'll take care of it." Jet said. As he said this, the Gotengo turned so that the drill faced Dogolas. The tip of the drill opened up, revealing a blue crystal that began to glow. Then, a bright white beam surrounded by blue energy shot out at Dogolas, hitting him straight on. He was quickly encased in ice. The freeze ray stopped firing, and the drill closed. Dogolas was completely frozen, up to his neck. He was stuck like a statue in a defensive pose, while he rocked his head from side to side, trying to pull himself free.
"We'll take him off your hands, if you don't mind." Jet explained.
"Uh... sure." Godzilla agreed. Jet nodded and the video call ended. As soon as the screen turned off, the Gotengo began to lower and dock on the island.

Finally, Dogolas was defeated... sort of. He was still frozen and incased in a metal cage. There was no escape. While Jet and Moguera were talking with Godzilla, the others were loading Dogolas onto the Gotengo.
"So where are you taking him too?" Godzilla asked.
"Well, just recently, these massive complexes have been being built all over the world." Jet explained. "They're basically prisons specifically for Kaiju. Apparently, there's going to be one built in every major country. The government is calling them 'Shatterdomes', I think."
"And our friend Dogolas is going to be the first resident." Moguera said.
"Actually, there is one other thing we came here to do, concerning the Shatterdome." Jet admitted. "Do you know where Muto is?"
"I'm here." Muto said, hearing her name. She was a couple feet away from them, and walked over to insert herself in the conversation. "What do you want?"
Jet sighed quietly. "Well, we're kind of here to arrest you."
Muto narrowed her gaze, while Godzilla stepped foreword, seemingly protective of Muto.
"Arrest her? For what?" Godzilla asked.
"For breaking into a military compound, killing over 20 soldiers and guards, including an Admiral, and stealing military property." Moguera explained. "Not to mention all the destruction of property during that whole attack last year. Shall I go on?"
Godzilla nodded understandingly. All of those reasons were valid. He looked back at Muto, who was looking to the side with crossed arms. Her hair was draped in front of her eye. Godzilla looked back to Jet and Moguera. Jet was now holding a pair of heavy duty handcuffs.
"I understand, but Muto is a valuable member of my team." Godzilla explained. "I've been training her to protect Earth. I'm sure she understands that..."
"I can speak for myself." Muto snapped. She stepped in front of Godzilla and faced Jet. With a sigh, she unsheathed her knife and dropped it onto the ground. Then, she stuck out her arms, awaiting the handcuffs.
"I'll go with you." Muto said.
"What?!" Godzilla asked, startled by Muto's response. "Muto, you don't have to do this. I'm sure something can be worked out."
Muto sighed again and turned back to Godzilla. A sad smile was on her face. "No... I've done some irredeemable things in the past, and I need to pay for it. But I thank you for standing up for me."
Godzilla understood. If Muto wanted to go with Jet, there was no need to stop her.
"Take care of yourself." He said. Muto nodded and turned back to Jet.
"Alright, I'm ready to go." She said.
"Thank you for being civil about it." Jet said. He placed the handcuffs on her wrists and locked them in place. Moguera gently grabbed her by the arm and led her back to the Gotengo, where the others were starting to board. Jet turned back to Godzilla.
"I can't promise that she'll be treated well, but she won't be hurt." Jet assured.
"That's good to hear, at least." Godzilla nodded.
"Anyway, I need to go." Jet said. "If you ever need our help again, just call me."
Godzilla smirked. "Will do. It was cool to see all you guys again." He said.
Jet nodded, and then turned and walked over to the Gotengo. Once he boarded, the ship lifted into the air and took off, taking Dogolas and Muto with it. Godzilla watched as it disappeared behind the clouds.
"Shatterdome... huh." He muttered. "What a weird name..."

(Author's Note:) Hey again, sorry to interrupt the story like this again, but I needed to address the fact that I recently got to 30 followers! That and the fact that Godzilla Warriors 2 got to 1000 reads not long ago really makes me feel great. It might not seem like that big of a milestone, but I still think it's awesome. Also, this story is almost done, so I just wanted to thank you for reading, and say that a big update is coming.

Thanks again!


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