Chapter 5: Match Maker

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Godzilla approached Mothra's tent, noticing Leo and Battra outside.They greeted him when they saw him, and Godzilla quickly greeted them back. He was more interested in something else.
"I heard about what happened." He explained. "How is she?"
"She's fine. She woke up a while ago, but she's still a little tired." Leo said.
"Actually, when she woke up, the first thing she asked was if she could see you." Battra continued. "But you were gone at the time. You can go in and see her if you want."
Godzilla nodded, pulled the door open, and entered the tent. Mothra was in her bed, sitting up and reading a book. Godzilla could see by her face that she was still exhausted. She heard him enter and looked up from her book. She smiled as she saw him.
"Oh, hey, Godzilla." She said, yawning. She made a move to get out of bed, but Godzilla stopped her.
"You don't have to get up. From what I hear, you're gonna need your rest." He insisted. She nodded and placed the covers back over herself.
"How are you feeling?" Godzilla asked.
"Not bad." Mothra explained. She blushed and smiled nervously as she looked down at her blanket, twirling a lock of her hair. "I guess you heard about what happened."
"Sort of." Godzilla said. "So you have new powers now?"
"Yeah, I guess I can control elements now." Mothra said, looking back at Godzilla. "But I still need to learn how to control them. Maybe we could train together sometime?"
Godzilla smirked. "Yeah, I think I'd like that." He said. He raised his eyebrow. "You know, Mothra, you've changed a bit over the last few days."
"I have?" Mothra asked.
"If this had happened to you a couple weeks ago, you would have been bawling and crying for hours." Godzilla explained. "But now, you just seem a little embarrassed."
"Huh. I guess you're right." Mothra said. "Looks like the new powers weren't the only side effects  of my resurrection. Do you think that's a good thing?"
Godzilla placed a hand on her shoulder. "No matter what happens to you, you're always gonna be perfect." He said. Mothra blushed again as she giggled.
"You're so sweet." She said. She got out of bed and the two kissed for a brief moment. 
"I gotta go, I think Manda is probably gonna try to kill Anguirus and Rodan." Godzilla said. Mothra rolled her eyes and groaned in annoyance.
"Manda's here?" She complained. Godzilla chuckled, glad he wasn't the only one who disliked Manda.
"Yeah, unfortunately." He replied. "Think you're gonna be alright?"
"Don't worry about me." Mothra answered. "I'm gonna finish my book and then I'll join you outside."
Godzilla nodded and exited the tent. As he was walking, he bumped into something. Or rather, someone. Zilla had walked right into him by accident. Bumping into Godzilla had knocked him over.
"Maybe watch where you're going, Zilla." Godzilla said, helping him up.
"Sorry." Zilla said. "I was actually looking for you. I need your help."
"Oh yeah?" Godzilla asked. "With what? Anything serious?"
"No... well, maybe." Zilla explained, rubbing the back of his head. "It's just... I have a crush on Komodithrax."
Godzilla raised an eyebrow, motioning for him to go on.
"I just thought... since you, Mothra, and Muto are the only people on this island who have been in relationships, and Muto would probably kill me if I talked to her about it, I wanted to ask you about what I should do."
"Okay, I get it." Godzilla said, nodding. "You need dating advice."
"Exactly. What should I do first?" Zilla asked.
"I dunno, just try talking to her." Godzilla said. "At the very least, you'll get to know her a little bit more." With that, Godzilla walked away, leaving a very confused Zilla.
"Wait, that's it? Just talk to her?" He asked. Godzilla didn't reply, most likely because he didn't hear him. Zilla sighed.
"Alright... I guess I can try that." He muttered to himself. He gulped nervously. "This may be harder than I thought."
Suddenly, he heard something behind him. Quickly turning around, he saw Ceaser, who had just returned to the island. He was holding something in his hand.
"Oh, Zilla, have you seen Godzilla anywhere?" He asked.
"Yeah, we just talked. He went that way." Zilla explained, pointing in the direction Godzilla had left in. Before Ceaser could leave, Zilla's eyes fell upon the object in his hand. It was a pure black orb with white markings on the side.
"What's that?" Zilla asked, reaching for the orb. Ceaser quickly pulled it away.
"It's nothing, just something to help with Bagan." He explained. "I really should get going now." With that, Ceaser walked away, leaving Zilla a bit confused, and still extremely nervous. Not about Bagan, but about Komodithrax.

After the battle before, Komi felt like she needed to relax. She always rested after a fight. She had just started taking off her jacket when Zilla began slowly and nervously approaching her. Komi noticed this and turned to face him raising an eyebrow.
"Can I help you?" She asked. She continued to remove her jacket, exposing a little more skin, as well as a dragon tattoo on her back. Zilla gave a nervous cough.
"Uh...hi...Komodithrax. I don't know if we've met... I'm Zilla." He stammered.
"Just Komi is fine, thanks." She replied. "And I think we did meet before. You were staring at me earlier, remember?" She smiled and laughed a little bit, making Zilla a little bit more nervous. His face was becoming redder and redder.
"So what's up?" Komi asked, leaning against a tree on her shoulder.
"Uh...I was thinking that I, uh, you...I mean..." He sighed in defeat, not being able to say what he was thinking. Komi chuckled.
"What, are you asking me out or something?" Komi joked. Zilla nodded, looking to the side. Komi's smile fell and her eyebrows went upward. She didn't think Zilla was actually asking her out. "Oh...huh." She said.
"So..." Zilla said, rubbing the back of his head.
Komi stood back up and walked over to him. "Look, Zilla," She began. Her smile was back, but it was a little different, more sympathetic than happy. "Sorry, but I have to refuse. It's nothing against you personally, but, you know, we're sort of at war with an ancient evil deity."
"Oh... s-sure." Zilla said. He was a little disappointed, but not completely shattered. Komi jokingly punched him in the shoulder and placed a hand on her hip.
"Hey, cheer up." She said. "Listen, if we're both not dead after all this is done, feel free to ask me again. I might even say yes."
Zilla's eyebrows shot up. He still had a chance. Komi chuckled at his reaction and walked away, patting him on the shoulder as she left. Godzilla appeared next to him after she walked away, patting his hand on Zilla's shoulder, a little bit harder than Komi did.
"See? What did I tell you?" He laughed. "All you had to do is ask."
"Yeah, yeah. She still didn't say yes." Zilla said, laughing a little bit himself. He shoved Godzilla's hand off his shoulder.
"She will." Godzilla assured. "Just ask her again after we're done with Bagan, and she'll totally say yes."
"Do you really think so?" Zilla asked.
"Eh, maybe." Godzilla shrugged. Then he walked away without saying another word.
"Hey, wait a second!" Zilla said, realizing what Godzilla had just said. Before anything more could be said, they heard another crash from the other side of the island. Godzilla groaned.
"Great. Another meteor?" He said.
"I think so... The crash sounded a bit louder than the others, though." Zilla replied. Komi suddenly ran past, bumping into Zilla as she did so. She stopped next to Godzilla.
"You guys heard that too, right?" She asked.
"Yeah. We should probably head over there." The three began to run in the direction of the crash, but Godzilla suddenly stopped. "Wait, I forgot, I don't have my katana anymore." He said. "And I can't use my Mana blade forever. It takes up a lot of energy."
"No problem, I brought a bunch of weapons with me when I came here." Komi explained. "I'm sure I have a few katanas with me. I'll let you borrow one."
Godzilla nodded and followed Komi back to the boat, where her bag was. They left Zilla in their dust as they left.
"W-wait, what about me?" Zilla asked. Komi turned to look back at him.
"You go on ahead, we'll catch up." She said. She smiled and winked at him again, making him blush a little bit more. He did as he was told, and ran off towards the sound of the crash.

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