Chapter 7: Match Made

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It was dusk now. Zilla assumed that the battle was long over. Komi was still in his arms, hissing in pain due to her leg. Despite the pain, she wasn't complaining to much.
"You're taking this whole broken leg thing really well." Zilla complimented.
"I've had worse." Komi admitted.
Finally, after a few more minutes of walking, they reached their destination; the beach. Zilla had seen Godzilla and Mothra come there a lot, among some of the others. It seemed like the perfect place to relax. Zilla gently set Komi down on a log, propping her leg up with a big piece of driftwood. He rolled her pant leg up to just past her knee, exposing her swollen femur. She raised her eyebrow and shifted a bit due to her discomfort.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"I'm gonna make a splint for your leg, but it's gonna hurt a bit." Zilla said. Komi understood and nodded. She watched as Zilla found a thick, sturdy piece of driftwood and bound it to her leg with a roll of duct tape he had in his jacket pocket. He then took off his jacket and wrapped it around the splint for a bit of extra protection. Komi smiled, somewhat impressed by Zilla's medical knowledge.
"How do you know how to do that?" She asked.
"I can't heal myself as fast as the others can." Zilla explained. "I know a lot about first aid."
"Really? I don't have any healing powers either." Komi said.
"I guess that explains the leg." Zilla chuckled. He stopped when he realized what was going on. He was having a conversation alone with Komi. His nervousness suddenly came back to himHe blushed and looked down. Komi laughed slightly.
"Thanks for helping me out, Zilla." Komi said. She silently propped herself into a sitting position, trying to do so without jostling her leg.
"Don't mention it." Zilla responded. "I know how hard it is to deal with injuries by yourself." When Zilla looked back up, he saw Komi wince in pain, eliciting a worried glance from him.
"Damn, my leg hurts like a bitch." Komi muttered, making Zilla chuckle. She glared and smirked at him at the same time. "What's funny?"
"Sorry, it's just...I've never heard a girl talk like that before." Zilla explained.
"Well, I've never heard a guy talk like you before." Komi smirked. Zilla shot his head up raised an eyebrow as he heard this.
"Wait, what's that supposed to mean?" He asked. Komi burst out laughing, until she suddenly stopped. A sharp pain rushed through her thigh.
"Ow!" She grunted.
"Are you okay?" Zilla asked.
"Fine." She said, a look of pain on her face. "I think I just moved my leg a little too much. Nothing I haven't dealt with before."
Eventually the pain started to die down and Komi breathed a sigh of relief. The two sat in silence for a little while. The sun was just starting to go down.
"It's getting late. If we're gonna stay here too long, we should build a fire." Zilla suggested.
"You know how to start fires too?" Komi asked. "Huh. You're full of surprises."
Zilla smirked thankfully, and then got to work. He placed some sticks and dry moss together, and surrounded it with rocks. He then took a matchbook out of his pocket and struck one, throwing it onto the kindling. It lit up in a few minutes, but the fire was small. It would most likely go out in a half hour or so. Zilla sat next to Komi on the log. The two stared at the fire for a while, until Komi looked up at Zilla.
"So I guess you got me to go on a date with you." She said. Zilla coughed in surprise and nervousness when he heard her say this. It made Komi chuckle.
"Does this really count as a date?" Zilla asked.
"I guess so." She said. "Do you want it to?"
"Uh...sure." He said. Komi responded by resting her head on his shoulder, making him blush even more. The sky grew dimmer, making the fire seem brighter. Zilla was mostly silent for next few minutes, but Komi was seemingly determined to make conversation with him.
"So tell me about yourself." Komi said.
"Um...okay." Zilla said. "Where should I start?"
Komi brought her head up and looked at him. "Wherever you want." She said.
"I guess I'll start first memory." Zilla began. Komi rested her head on his shoulder again. Zilla continued. "The first thing I remember after I woke up was...anger. That was all I felt. I was blinded by rage. I destroyed everything in my path, until I got to New York. I guess people thought I was Godzilla, so I kind of stole his identity. After that, the army started attacking me. They nearly killed me, but I managed to escape. Then I just hid out for a while."
"So when did Godzilla find you?" Komi asked.
"Well, a few years later," Zilla continued, "This guy named X put me under mind control, making me attack Sydney, Australia during the Final Wars."
"Final Wars?" Komi asked.
"Oh yeah, I guess you wouldn't know." Zilla said. "It was this huge battle that spanned out almost all over the world. A lot of Kaiju were involved, and a lot of them died... a lot of people too."
Komi simply nodded and game a thoughtful "hmm." Zilla continued with his story.
"Anyway, when I attacked Sydney, Godzilla found me. He already knew about me stealing his identity, so he was...a little bit pissed. Anyway, we fought, and he beat me nearly to death, but somehow I survived. He said he saw potential in me. A few years later he contacted me to help fight Ghidorah, - he's an evil warlord from space, by the way - and we are."
"Huh." Komi responded. It was a lot to take in. The sun was nearly set now, casting an orange glow over the beach. The fire was dying down.
"So, I told you about me, now tell me about you." Zilla said. Komi brought her head up, scooting a little closer to him.
"Okay, sure." She started. "I don't remember much either. But what I do remember is that on the island I was born on, there was no shortage of Kaiju and other things that wanted to kill me. I had to hide out for most of my childhood, and eventually trained myself how to fight when I was old enough. Eventually, a left that island and built a shack in Alaska. People hired me to fight other Kaiju and get rid of them. I've been fighting for as long as I can remember. I never really had a social life, or any people who genuinely cared about me. In fact..." She turned to face Zilla, with a slightly sad smile on her face. He could also see that now she was blushing a little bit for once.
"I think you're the first real friend I've ever had." She finished.
"Am I...just a friend?" Zilla asked.
"Well, maybe a little bit more than a friend." Komi answered. Komi noticed how close their faces were and quickly pulled away, trying to play it off by laughing and brushing some hair behind her ear.
"Sorry. I got a little carried away." She said, sitting back up.
"It's fine." Zilla said. "I really didn't mind."
Komi's blush grew deeper and looked back up at Zilla. They looked deep into each others eyes as their faces slowly moved closer. The fire finally went out. As the sun set, it silhouetted the both of them as they kissed.

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